Re: Plate Tectonics

From: Michael Roberts (
Date: Fri Apr 18 2003 - 18:04:28 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: The power of ten"

    Dont worry about it. Sometimes discussions get too heavy and need lightening
    up. Frankly YEC argumnets over plate tectonics are so absurd as they require
    continents whizzing around like sodium on water so humour even sarcasm is
    the only way to deal with them.

    Dick's answer was serious and dealt fairly with plate tectonics. My response
    was to highlight a tendency to multiply miracles as an explain-all
    technique. As far as I am concerned unless a miracle is clearly taught in
    Scripture then we have no grounds for accepting it. I also do not accept
    arguments from people who claim to have revelations which add to scripture.

    Incidentally I received a copy of AIGs comic book Voice of the Volcano
    comparing the Grand Canyon to erosional and depositional features on Mt St
    helens. Apart from several gross inaccuracies it is more Uniformitarian than
    any geologist has ever been. It is difficult to counteract such arguments as
    many Christians cannot believe that AIG and others can be so inaccurate and
    quickly feel that one is accusing them of being dishonest. As we all know no
    evangelcial would dream of telling a fib. Actually there is better science
    in Superman comics.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: "Michael Roberts" <>
    Cc: "ASA" <>
    Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 10:22 PM
    Subject: Re: Plate Tectonics

    > Michael,
    > Several people have sent me emails stating that you often make tongue in
    > cheek, sarcastic remarks. I apologize for taking offense; will you please
    > forgive me?
    > Sheila

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