Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID

From: bob_miller (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 19:55:53 EDT

  • Next message: Don Winterstein: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning"

    George Murphy wrote in part:

    > I do not deny the possibility of special revelation outside this
    community: The
    > Holy Spirit can act when & where the Spirit wills. But one has to be very
    > about this because of the dangers of people mistaking their own fantasies
    > inspiration. In the present discussion what I'm dubious about is the idea
    that there is
    > a "general revelation" kind of out there in the world & accessible to
    > investigation, kind of like scientific data. Sin means that people run
    away from the
    > true God, like Adam & Eve. We don't find God, God finds us.

    Which brings to my mind the old connundrum of the thousands who have lived,
    and do live, in regions of the world where in their life time they never had
    opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ. What are they responsible to God
    and on what basis?

    Bob Miller

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