Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID

From: Josh Bembenek (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 12:31:04 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID"


    Your condescension is quite offensive.

    Obviously I cannot understand you, and thus this conversation and
    clafirication of your point is a waste of your time.

    I'll leave you alone.


    >From: George Murphy <>
    >To: Josh Bembenek <>
    >Subject: Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID
    >Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 12:16:44 -0400
    >Josh Bembenek wrote:
    > >
    > > Paul is NOT arguing here for natural theology. He says that people
    > > be able to know God in creation but that they distort this knowledge and
    > > worship idols.
    > >
    > > The attempt to know God from nature, independently of revelation,
    > > results in the construction of idols - of which the Intelligent Designer
    > > the God who "left his fingerprints all over the evidence" may be
    > >
    > > So which is it, do we know of God's invisible qualities from nature or
    > Read the part of my post that you omitted above, as well as my earlier
    >post to
    >which you responded.
    > George
    >George L. Murphy

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