Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID

From: George Murphy (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 20:05:01 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: The power of ten"

    Michael Roberts wrote:
    > I looked up the site and it began;
    > "It may well be the most important intellectual movement to occur in the
    > last 200 years, if not the last half-millennium. Its roots are in the
    > sciences, but when it reaches full flower, it may branch into nearly every
    > discipline, from theology, philosophy, and the social sciences to history
    > and literature, and redefine almost every aspect of culture, from morality
    > and law to the arts.
    > It's the Intelligent Design (ID) movement, and it's reshaping the face of
    > science."
    > After nearly choking with laughter I thought I must share it with others on
    > this listserve. The only thing I can compare it with are the wonderful TV
    > appearances of the Iraqi Minister of Information whose statements to the
    > media are more amusing than incorrect. I will be sorry when he goes off air
    > in a day or two!!
    > It is an amazing mish-mash of senes and nonsense and were it not going to be
    > so widely read it could be safely ignored.
    > Can someone expalin to me how people keep churning out this sort of stuff
    > and clearly dont do their homework - here in the history if ideas and
    > science.
    > Must get back to the Iraq Minister of Information. H ewill be off air
    > tomorrow.

            This reminds me of one of the blurbs on the back of Dembski's _Intelligent
    Design_ that proclaims him "the Isaac Newton of information theory" - except that
    Wiker's statement is even more grandiose.

            But a caveat about the Iraqi Minister of "Information": His performances are on
    one level hilarious, but on a deeper level they're obscene because they're encouraging
    Iraqis to go out & get killed in hopeless & pointless battles.

            But I suppose even there one could make a parallel with Wiker. He isn't getting
    people killed but he's encouraging Christians to waste their lives pursuing theological
    & scientific dead ends.


    George L. Murphy

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