Re: The power of ten

From: George Murphy (
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 20:10:46 EDT

  • Next message: Joel Moore: "Re: Paraconformities (was test questions)"

    Vernon Jenkins wrote:

    > Michael,
    > You are surely aware that much of what you have written is cpmpletely
    > irrelevant to the matter raised, viz the Christian believer's response
    > to the Lord's command, 'count' (AV), or 'calculate' (NASB), that is a
    > significant feature of Rev.13:18.

            From the fact that the writer of Revelation tells readers to "calculate the
    number of the beast" it does not remotely follow that there is any biblical authority
    for trying to get any theological result by "calculating" any other words of scripture.

    George L. Murphy

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