Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID

From: Don Winterstein (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 05:46:13 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID"

    George Murphy wrote:
    >...Wiker...isn't getting
    > people killed but he's encouraging Christians to waste their lives
    pursuing theological
    > & scientific dead ends.

    Wiker expresses himself with lots of un-scientist-like flourish, but I can
    ignore that. Are you implying here that no one has made discoveries about
    cosmological fine tuning by searching for them? Wiker claims scientists
    have done so. I don't know the answer, but if he's right, I wouldn't regard
    such discoveries entirely as "theological & scientific dead ends." The many
    documented instances of fine tuning for me lend a bit of support to my
    belief in a Tuner. Isn't this one way that God might be revealing himself
    in and through nature (Romans 1:20)?


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