Re: Paraconformities (was test questions)

From: Bill Payne (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 00:18:32 EDT

  • Next message: Don Winterstein: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID"

    On Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:54:33 -0400 Joel Moore <> writes:

    Also, the conclusion that these observations favor a short time frame
    does not follow from the few observations mentioned above. The
    deposition of marine limestones occurs in a fairly narrow
    range of environmental conditions, which do not seem likely to be present
    in the event of the Flood.

    That brings up another quetion I have. When I was in school some 35
    years ago, there was not a good explanation for the deposition of massive
    limestones. What are the conditions favorable for deposition of marine

    Do you have any evidence or time frame for what is "slow" or "quick?"
    Don't forget that "quick" in geologic time is just about anything
    below 50,000 years for the Phanerozoic.

    Quick in my mind would be weeks or maybe months - something that would
    give support to the YEC model.

    What might have caused the waters to slosh or rush back and forth like

    Don't know.

    I won't be able to respond to any future emails on this topic for a while
    because I have too much to do with end of the semester work and upcoming
    field work.

    Have fun. Thanks for the exchange.


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