Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 17:45:10 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Woodmarappe attacks Morton"

    In a message dated 4/4/03 1:51:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > Rich promotes the conservative myth when he writes: "The media does not want
    > evolutionists to look at religion. The media leftists wants organized
    > religion ended. That is why the media will air a creationist or any
    > crackpot
    > before airing a credible intelligent religious Christian man."
    > Sure.
    > It is interesting to me to note that those on the extreme left also see the
    > media as biased -- biased towards the reight, of course.
    > I find statements that denigrate the "media" because they don't follow one
    > or another "party line close enough" to be particularly useless diatribes.
    > That goes for both the left and the right extremes.


    If I want to promote something I'll put the label on it. what you're steering
    toward is labeling me a conservative and therefore sidelining me. I see it

    I find your views on homosexuality destructive of traditional Christianity
    and extremely disestablishment leftist but I didn't say that until now
    because labels constitute real useless diatribe and they are often used to
    marginalize people. It would be better for us all if we were to leave the
    labels on the desk and post a rational argument with a reference.

    I'm for traditional, proven, established, adaptive and correct behavior. Not
    transexuality, homosexual marriages, teaching kids "fisting" in grade school
    or giving out condoms instead of teaching kids discipline and self control.
    If that makes me a promoter of a conservative "myth" so be it.

    I don't follow party lines, just the truth. There is coming to be very little
    difference between the major political parties, or haven't you noticed?

    It is common knowledge that all Christian symbols are attacked in the media.
    It is common knowledge that the major media is controlled by the
    non-christian left who foist disestablishment behaviors on us via the media.
    I've got solid references, my God, poke your head up out of the sand.


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