Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

Date: Fri Apr 04 2003 - 07:43:10 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: appearance of age, the goodness of God, and MEDIA)"

    In a message dated 4/3/03 11:21:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > I think you folks are hanging up on the limited aspect of morality.

    Here's the quote from Ham:

    If Christian leaders have told the next generation that one can accept the
    world's teachings in geology, biology, astronomy, etc., and use these to
    (re)interpret God s Word, then the door has been opened for this to happen in
    every area, including morality.

    My distinct impression from those words is that Ham holds morality over the
    sciences and is concerned for the impact of the sciences on morality which
    is not to say he doesn't believe in the Bible as an intregated whole but
    believes that the Bible's greatest treasure is its morality. I don't know if
    I'm hanging up on that fact. I think it's integral to the Bible's integrated
    wholeness. So maybe you could say, Ken and I are both hung up on the treasure
    of Biblical morality, but .

    ”You shall not make yourselves unclean in any of these ways, for in these
    ways the heathen, whom I am driving out before you, made themselves unclean.
    This is how the land became unclean, and I punished it for its iniquity so
    that it spewed out its inhabitants. You, unlike them, shall keep my laws and
    my rules: none of you, whether natives or aliens settled among you, shall do
    any of these abominable things. The people who were there before you did
    these abominable things and the land became unclean. So the land will not
    spew you out for making it unclean as it spewed them out; for anyone who does
    any of these abominable things shall be cut off from his people.

    The alternative to Biblical morality is being "spewed out" of the land.


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