Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: Bill Payne (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 23:03:18 EST

  • Next message: "Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God"

    I think you folks are hanging up on the limited aspect of morality. My
    understanding of Ken Ham's view is that the Bible is an integrated whole,
    and to pull out one thread (creation) would cause the entire Book to
    unravel. Ken included morality, but did not limit the damage to
    morality. I tend to agree, although I realize there is room for
    interpretation of passages (and science as well).


    On Thu, 3 Apr 2003 17:53:42 EST writes:
    If a scientist could reassure Ham that there is a rational basis for the
    morality, he might not care that it was a rational explanation as long as
    it preserved his Biblical morality.

     “If Christian leaders have told the next generation that one can accept
    the world’s teachings in geology, biology, astronomy, etc., and use these
    to (re)interpret God’s Word, then the door has been opened for this to
    happen in every area, including morality.”


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