Re: Historical evidence for Jesus

Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 12:07:43 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Evolution wars"

    In a message dated 12/16/02 10:58:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > As Sondra Brasile said, much of the credit can be given to the posts on ASA
    > list, which portray the bible as an almost worthless document insofar as
    > scientific or historical accuracy is concerned.
    > Jim is still in the "I want to debate" mode while Burgy is pointing out
    > that it is going to take more than a casual influx of email to illuminate a
    > path back to
    > God.

    The Bible contains great and timeless rational truth. Its roots are in
    biology, not the origin of the universe. The entire Bible has a Darwinian
    substrate. EO Wilson said it in On Human Nature. Paul Colinvaux said it in
    The Fates of Nations - A Biological Theory of History. Kevin MacDonald said
    it in APTSDA, CID, and the C of C, the MacDonald trilogy. David Sloan Wilson
    just said it in Darwin's Cathedral. Let's get on board.
    There is a way back to God for a rationalist.

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