Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 11:59:45 EST
In a message dated 12/16/02 9:58:49 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> It is, however, a considerable overstatement to say that "selection that
> runs through the Bible."
> It has often been noted that in the _Origin_ Darwin never uses the word
> "evolution" or related words until the very last word of the book. But of
> course this
> doesn't mean that he isn't talking about "evolution" in the modern sense of
> the term throughout.
> Shalom,
> George
Your first statement is correct, darwin consistently uses "selection" in The
Origin of Species. In fact he says "principles of selection" can be found in
Your second comment," but of course this doesn't mean that he isn't talking
about "evolution" in the modern sense of the term throughout" can be nothing
more than conjecture on your part. You provide no support. You cannot
determine if Darwin was using the modern sense. You can only read what he
wrote and he says "principles of selection" are found in genesis.
I took you through 3 generations of selection in genesis in an effort to show
you how clearly the principles of selection are expounded there and even
though it is as plain as the nose on my face you didn't buy it.
It makes more sense to find principles of selection in the Bible than it is
to discover a valid cosmology or cosmogony there since the Biblical
patriarchs were all *shepherds* whose very occupation consists of
manipulating the principles of selection. They were shepherds. The people
interested in the stars were the priests of the landed agricultural states
whose lives depended on agriculture and depended on the proper interpretation
of celestial events to order agricultural activity.
The principles of selection are found throughout the entire Bible. If you
didn't see the significance of the story of Jacob and Esau and the next two
generations, a tale Darwin specifically alludes to in The Origin of Species,
I'll go over it again.
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