Re: Historical evidence for Jesus

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 15:43:50 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Fwd: Identity of the ID designer"

    Wally wrote (about a month ago): "The proper response is manly atheism.
    Seize the bull by the horns and live life without the God that does not
    exist anyhow. ... IMO that leads one to eventually think the problem through
    completely and tends to result in the path followed by C. S. Lewis: From
    atheism to theism to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."

    A recent book, THE MOST RELUCTANT CONVERT, by David Downing is a great
    description of the process C. S. Lewis went through. The Dec 2002 issue of
    PERSPECTIVES has my review on it -- an earlier version of my review, along
    with ties to the thoughts of Blaise Pascal, was published two months ago on

    Jim -- I really recommend this particular book very highly. What C. S. Lewis
    went through, I also encountered, and it may be what you are beginning to
    encounter also. Even if not, it is fascinating reading.


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