Re: Historical evidence for Jesus

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 13:18:16 EST

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: Historical evidence for Jesus"

    Wally wrote: " As Sondra Brasile said, much of the credit can be given to
    the posts on ASA list, which portray the bible as an almost worthless
    document insofar as scientific or historical accuracy is

    That gives the ASA list far too much credit. If Jim had not encountered the
    arguments here, he would have certainly encountered them elsewhere.

    "... Burgy is pointing out that it is going to take more than a casual
    influx of email to illuminate a path back to God."


    John W. Burgeson (Burgy)

    >From: Walter Hicks <>
    >To: Jim Eisele <>
    >CC: John Burgeson <>,
    >Subject: Re: Historical evidence for Jesus
    >Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 07:13:53 -0500
    >I have stopped subscribing to ASA but will respond since this was mailed
    >directly to me.
    >I think that Jim's point that his exiting Christianity "was not a choice"
    >well taken. Such changes seldom are, but rather come about due to a series
    >input data that conflicts with original beliefs. As Sondra Brasile
    >said, much of
    >the credit can be given to the posts on ASA list, which portray the bible
    >as an
    >almost worthless document insofar as scientific or historical accuracy is
    >Jim is still in the "I want to debate" mode while Burgy is pointing out
    >that it
    >is going to take more than a casual influx of email to illuminate a
    >path back to
    >Jim Eisele wrote:
    > > Hi John,
    > >
    > > It's nice of you to write :-)
    > >
    > > >Wally wrote (about a month ago): "The proper response is manly
    > > >Seize the bull by the horns and live life without the God that does
    > > >exist anyhow. ... IMO that leads one to eventually think the problem
    > > through
    > > >completely and tends to result in the path followed by C. S. Lewis:
    > > >atheism to theism to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
    > >
    > > >A recent book, THE MOST RELUCTANT CONVERT, by David Downing is a great
    > > >description of the process C. S. Lewis went through. The Dec 2002
    >issue of
    > > >PERSPECTIVES has my review on it -- an earlier version of my review,
    > > >with ties to the thoughts of Blaise Pascal, was published two months
    >ago on
    > > >Metanexus.
    > >
    > > >Jim -- I really recommend this particular book very highly. What C. S.
    > > Lewis
    > > >went through, I also encountered, and it may be what you are beginning
    > > >encounter also. Even if not, it is fascinating reading.
    > >
    > > I hope the ASA continues to press the weakness of creationism (which I,
    > > personally, just about equate with YEC). I do think this cancer in our
    > > culture is best opposed by Christians (that gives Christians an escape
    > > path like I had in Creation and Time, by Hugh Ross).
    > >
    > > But, obviously I am not the first person to stumble across intellectual
    > > challenges to Christianity. I would like to mention one thing. My
    > > exiting Christianity WAS NOT A CHOICE. It was sort of like coming to a
    > > red light at an intersection. As nice as is would be if the darn thing
    > > were green, reality is reality. Unfortunately, your post doesn't leave
    > > much to comment on, as it is merely a referral.
    > >
    > > Jim
    > >
    > > _________________________________________________________________
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    > >
    >Walt Hicks <>
    >In any consistent theory, there must
    >exist true but not provable statements.
    >(Godel's Theorem)
    >You can only find the truth with logic
    >If you have already found the truth
    >without it. (G.K. Chesterton)

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