Re: ??/

From: George Murphy (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 18:00:50 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: What's missing"

    John W. Burgeson wrote:
    > George wrote: "I did not mean that this statement (that God created a
    > world which is understandable "though God were not given") is dogma, to
    > be held "with the certainty of faith." It is a "theological opinion"
    > (one not unique to or original with me) - but I think one with
    > considerable support."
    > I understand that, George. It just seems strange to me
    > to call it a "belief" at all.

            I don't know what else to call it. It's a statement (claim? assertion?) both
    about the kind of world we inhabit &, more fundamentally but less provable
    scientifically, the kind of God who would create such a world. & it contrasts with
    claims that God has to "make a difference" in the sense that explicit appeal must be
    made to God in order to explain certain features of the world. Thus it is not a belief
    which (it seems to me) could be held by proponents of ID.

    George L. Murphy

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