ad hoc

From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 16:48:01 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: ??/"

    Dick Fischer wrote:

    >>Sometimes I wonder if Scripture wasn't written just obscure enough so
    those who can't quite grasp it can still get a free pass through the
    gates if they claim they didn't become Christians because they couldn't
    passed Genesis.

    I think the question has been answered, but you don't believe it. In
    English, I believe a proper translation would be: "Let us appoint a man
    will call 'Adam' who can represent us to the rest of humanity.">>

    Sorry Dick. That went over my head.

    I wrote earlier:

    >To me, Glenn's arguments appear both reasonable and more likely, while
    >Dick's position appears "ad hoc."

    and Dick replied:

    >>Genesis says the garden of Eden was "eastward," that is, east of where
    were rummaging in the desert after leaving Egypt, or perhaps east of the
    "promised land." So do I. Glenn places it westward. Genesis places the
    garden of Eden near the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates. So do I.
    Glenn places it in the Mediterranean basin. Genesis says Adam was
    out of the dust. So do I. Glenn says Adam had natural parents who were
    apes. Genesis says there were ten patriarchs from Noah to Abraham. So
    I. Glenn says there were hundreds or even thousands of unnamed,
    intermediate descendants.

    So whose position appears "reasonable and more likely," and whose
    appears "ad hoc"?>>

    Glenn's still appears more likely (to me). Understand that I
    do not look for the scriptural correspondences that occupy so much of
    both your arguments and Glenn's. Glenn simply points out (correctly,
    IMHO) that there were beings on this earth 2-4 MY ago which, by almost
    any reasonable standard we can think about, were as much "imago dei" as
    we are today. If I understand you correctly, and I may not, you dispute
    this finding.

    It is only that issue I address, not any particular scriptural
    correspondence. Those are (sometimes) interesting also, but not to the
    point here.

    I apologize if I misrepresent your position of course.


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