the "image of God"

From: John W. Burgeson (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 11:29:02 EST

  • Next message: John W. Burgeson: "What is a human?"

    Thinking about what constitutes "humanity."

    Is there any evidence that non-humans ever have a sense of shame?

    I know one can observe some dogs having this -- but it seems to be
    related to their bond with a human. Not "in the wild."

    Perhaps humans are the only species that can blush?

    Glenn Morton writes well about "human characteristics" of
    ancient hominids. The book WHEN ELEPHANTS WEEP is a
    partial -- but not a complete rebuttal to some of those claims.

    Humans admire beauty.
    So do some animals sometimes (some birds).

    Humans worship.
    So do some animals sometimes (for instance, some dogs).

    Humans sometimes exhibit altruism.
    So do some animals sometimes (see the book).

    Humans build houses.
    So do some animals sometimes.

    But blushing may be one unique attribute.

           Burgy (Conjecture mode)

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