RE: the "image of God"

From: Joel Z Bandstra (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 16:55:05 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: worshipping an oil company"

    I think it a mistake to define humanness in a scientifically testable
    fashion. I feel as though being human is more than a physical state. That
    is, I think that humans have a spiritual being as well as a physical being
    (a sort of duality I suppose). If this is so, it may still be possible to
    observe physical results of the spiritual being (e.g. behavior) but it
    would not be possible to say what is human based solely on physical
    observation. Perhaps an appropriate analogy is the way that we know that
    God exists. It is certainly possible to look around and see evidence for
    the existence of God, but it is through God's supernatural revelation that
    we can truly come to know.

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