RE: the "image of God"

From: glenn morton (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 15:33:51 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Fw: Fw: looks and humanity"

    At 01:55 PM 2/14/00 -0800, Joel Z Bandstra wrote:
    >I think it a mistake to define humanness in a scientifically testable
    >fashion. I feel as though being human is more than a physical state.

    If we don't define humanity in a scientifically testable manner, then
    humanity becomes something subjective. Given this some people will
    subjectively feel that other humans of a different ethnicity are less than
    human, e.g. Croatia/Serbia/Rwanda/N.Ireland/Palestine-Israel. And if it is
    defined subjectively, then humanity can be subjectively removed.

    >is, I think that humans have a spiritual being as well as a physical being
    >(a sort of duality I suppose). If this is so, it may still be possible to
    >observe physical results of the spiritual being (e.g. behavior) but it
    >would not be possible to say what is human based solely on physical

    In that case, what other kinds of observations are available to
    us--nonphysical observations? Exactly what are non-physical observations?
    Or is it assumptions that we are supposed to make about who is and who
    isn't human? If so, how do we know the assumptions are true?

     And if behavior doesn't define humanity, then I would contend that
    regardless of how you behave on this list, I don't think you are human. You
    are a computer who sends out e-mails. You are the first AI program. Now
    prove me wrong!


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