Re: the "image of God"

From: George Murphy (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 15:12:12 EST

  • Next message: Russell Maatman: "Fw: looks and humanity"

    John W. Burgeson wrote:
    > Thinking about what constitutes "humanity."
    > Is there any evidence that non-humans ever have a sense of shame?
    > I know one can observe some dogs having this -- but it seems to be
    > related to their bond with a human. Not "in the wild."
    > Perhaps humans are the only species that can blush?
    > Glenn Morton writes well about "human characteristics" of
    > ancient hominids. The book WHEN ELEPHANTS WEEP is a
    > partial -- but not a complete rebuttal to some of those claims.
    > Humans admire beauty.
    > So do some animals sometimes (some birds).
    > Humans worship.
    > So do some animals sometimes (for instance, some dogs).
    > Humans sometimes exhibit altruism.
    > So do some animals sometimes (see the book).
    > Humans build houses.
    > So do some animals sometimes.
    > But blushing may be one unique attribute.

            An article in the Feb. 2000 _Discover_, "Morals, Apes, and Us" by Marc D. Hauser
    pp.51-55, may be of interest in connection with this topic.
    George L. Murphy

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