Re: Exceptional Measures

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Sat Jan 08 2000 - 17:58:31 EST

  • Next message: Allen & Diane Roy: "Thanks"


    Thanks for your latest comments!

    You have, of course, put your finger on a problem that I have: while
    everyone is interested in rocks (erroneously thought to contain signs of
    life) - allegedly from Mars - and in expected transmissions from space
    that would establish the reality of an alien intelligence, few are
    concerned that God's word exhibits numerical evidence of supernatural
    design! However, we should not be too surprised by this, for the
    Scriptures lead us to expect little more!

    My view is simply this: God has provided the evidence, and he alone is
    able to use it to draw people to himself! My role is to continue
    believing in the potency of these very real phenomena and faithfully



    Vandergraaf, Chuck wrote:
    > Vernon,
    > I failed to see the connection between A4 and the opening words of the
    > Hebrew Bible because I don't have a copy of the Hebrew Bible and never
    > studied Hebrew in high school or college. Therefore, these subtleties
    > escape me.
    > As I may have mentioned, here in the "colonies," we have not progressed
    > beyond the 8/5" x 11" paper and the only exposure I have to A4 paper is
    > through the IAEA and my European and Asian scientific counterparts. So,
    > although I am familiar with the general shape of A4 paper, it's "raison
    > d'etre" was strange to me until you and others educated me. For that, I am
    > thankful!
    > My reference to "circular arguments" was not so much your starting with a
    > presumption and then trying to prove it, but more how non-believers of
    > skeptics would view your arguments. That's why I mentioned the central
    > thrust of the Bible: the good news of God sending his son to die for us. I
    > still fail to see how your approach could be used to spread the good news.
    > Even if you are correct (maybe I should say, "considering that your approach
    > is correct), how do you use it to spread the gospel? I can't imagine some
    > skeptic, some agnostic, a Jew, Muslim, or Hindu saying, "Wow, Vernon, now
    > that you have opened my eyes to the relationship between A4 paper and Gen
    > 1:1, I accept Jesus Christ as my saviour and Lord!"
    > Hope this helps to explain my reservations.
    > Shalom!
    > Chuck

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