RE: Exceptional Measures

From: Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 20:34:29 EST

  • Next message: "Re: PJ and AIDS"


    I failed to see the connection between A4 and the opening words of the
    Hebrew Bible because I don't have a copy of the Hebrew Bible and never
    studied Hebrew in high school or college. Therefore, these subtleties
    escape me.

    As I may have mentioned, here in the "colonies," we have not progressed
    beyond the 8/5" x 11" paper and the only exposure I have to A4 paper is
    through the IAEA and my European and Asian scientific counterparts. So,
    although I am familiar with the general shape of A4 paper, it's "raison
    d'etre" was strange to me until you and others educated me. For that, I am

    My reference to "circular arguments" was not so much your starting with a
    presumption and then trying to prove it, but more how non-believers of
    skeptics would view your arguments. That's why I mentioned the central
    thrust of the Bible: the good news of God sending his son to die for us. I
    still fail to see how your approach could be used to spread the good news.
    Even if you are correct (maybe I should say, "considering that your approach
    is correct), how do you use it to spread the gospel? I can't imagine some
    skeptic, some agnostic, a Jew, Muslim, or Hindu saying, "Wow, Vernon, now
    that you have opened my eyes to the relationship between A4 paper and Gen
    1:1, I accept Jesus Christ as my saviour and Lord!"

    Hope this helps to explain my reservations.



    > Chuck:
    > Thanks for your gracious response!
    > I fail to see how you can have missed the connection between A4 (210mm x
    > 297mm) and the opening words of the Hebrew Bible. While it is
    > inappropriate that I rehearse the whole of 'Exceptional Measures', let
    > me just point out the following:
    > (1) the A-series is based on the regular subdivision of a square metre
    > of paper (beginning with A0 - a rectangle of size 841mm x 1189mm - its
    > sides in the ratio 1:square root of 2); the series, A1, A2, and so on,
    > is developed by successive halving - thus preserving this ratio;
    > (2) the standard requires that the dimensions of all members of the
    > series are presented to the nearest mm.
    > Thus, placing an A4 sheet lengthwise along the edge of a metre rule so
    > that its top RH corner lines up with the 1000mm mark, the LH edge will
    > be found to register 703mm (ie 1000 - 297); a second sheet placed
    > crosswise - its LH edge aligned with the LH edge of the first - will
    > register 913 at its RH edge (ie 703 + 210). The latter is the gematrial
    > value of the Bible's first word (meaning, "In the beginning"); the
    > former, the sum of the gematrial values of words 6 and 7, ie 407 + 296
    > (meaning, "and the earth." The values of all 8 of the Bible's opening
    > words are realized in similar fashion.
    > Referring to 'circular argument' you talk about my beginning with the
    > presumption that there is a mathematical framework, and then setting out
    > to prove it. But the information provided by the writer of The Book of
    > Revelation suggests that such is the already the case (eg Rv.13:18); I
    > have dealt with this at length in the page "666 - and All That!" Through
    > it we are led to consider the remarkable properties of the Bible's first
    > verse! I therefore reject the suggestion of 'circularity' in my methods.
    > Chuck, I heartily believe, as you do, that the only matter of real
    > importance to us all is "the good news that God gave his son to die for
    > our sins." While I can't claim my findings to be the 'best way' of
    > proclaiming this, I believe they have a significant part to play in
    > clarifying - for all who will listen - the matter of God's sovereignty
    > and of the dependability of his word!
    > Shalom!
    > Vernon
    > Vandergraaf, Chuck wrote:
    > >
    > > Vernon,
    > >
    > > I don't have the NIV footnotes handy, so I will take your word for it
    > that
    > > "times" means "two times."
    > >
    > > My comment about the A4 size paper was made with my tongue firmly
    > planted in
    > > my cheek. I simply wanted to extrapolate what might happen if "we" were
    > all
    > > "forced" to use A$ paper rather than the NA standard 8.5" x 11" paper.
    > To
    > > some, this might be another example of "world government" or "the mark
    > of
    > > the beast." I don't see any connection between the metric dimension of
    > A4
    > > paper (210 x 297 mm) and Gen 1:1. Yes, I know that 297/210 = 1.41,
    > which is
    > > the square root of 2. So what? I would think that the "golden ratio"
    > is
    > > esthetically more pleasing than the dimensions of A4 paper.
    > >
    > > As to my reference to a "circular argument," what I wanted to convey,
    > > Vernon, is that you start with the premise that there is some
    > mathematical
    > > framework in the Scriptures and then set out to show it. At times, your
    > > quest looks like "grasping at straws" and I'm not so sure that the
    > Almighty
    > > had this in mind when the Bible was written. But, I've been wrong
    > before.
    > >
    > > The upshot of all of this is whether your approach is the best way to
    > > proclaim the good news that God gave his son to die for our sins. That's
    > not
    > > for me to decide but you may want to give it some thought.
    > >
    > > Shalom!
    > >
    > > Chuck
    > >

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