Re: Exceptional Measures

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 18:07:58 EST

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Exceptional Measures"


    Thanks for your comments! I shall attempt to answer them in the order

    (A) VJ: (1) 888 and 1480 are the gematrial values of 'Jesus' and of
    'Christ', respectively, from the NT Greek; the shortest and longest
    sides of our triangle taken together therefore 'spell' the Lord's Name;

    GM: Of course this is the gemetrial value of h'rtz not only in Gen.1:1
    but anywhere else.

    VJ: Agreed.

    GM: & if this didn't work you could look for another word.

    VJ: I disagree. Knowing already that 296 was a factor both of
    'Jesus'(888) and of 'Christ'(1480) from the NT Greek, nominative case,
    and observing this to be the gematrial value of the 7th word of Gn.1:1,
    to make the point, I had no real alternative. Our 'incarnate' Lord is
    thus, most appropriately, based on 'the earth' - expressed as the Hebrew
    word h'rtz..

    (B) VJ:(3) returning to the Lord's Name: the ratio 888:1480, ie 3:5 is,
    very appropriately, that of the sides of the mercy seat (Ex.25:17);

    GM: This is just the 3:5 ratio you started with since the factors of 296
    cancel out, so it has nothing to do with "the earth" of Gen.1:1.

    VJ: The real point here is not so much the 296 but the fact that the
    Name 'Jesus Christ' is linked numerically with the mercy seat - this
    link already having been made textually in Ro.3:25, Heb.2:17, 1Jn.2:2
    and 1Jn.4:10. However, the value 296 as HCF is also still relevant!

    (C) VJ:(4) the angle between these sides in our right-angled triangle
    is, to the nearest degree, 37 degrees; 37 is a factor of all three
    GM: Since this depends on a particular unit of angular measurement -
    i.e., degrees instead of radians or circular mils, e.g. - it has no
    invariant significance.

    VJ: Agreed! But neither do the millimetres in 'Exceptional Measures'!
    Yet they are seen to be involved in the connection between A4 and
    [Note: the words used in (4) suggest that the angle of 37 degrees is
    included between the sides 1480 and 888; this is of course incorrect.]

    (D) VJ: (5) the area of this triangle is 1,051,392 square units - a
    multiple of 2368, or 'Jesus Christ'.
    GM: The area of the triangle, (1/2) x base x altitude, is 1/2 your
    value, 525696.

    VJ: Agreed - with apologies!
    GM: 2368 is still a factor of this. It works because the area is (1/2)
    x 296 x 296 x 3 x 4
     = 296 x 8 x 37 x 6 = (8 x 296) x (222) = 2368 x 222. I.e., enough
    factors of 2 have gone into this product that you can get a factor of 8
    = 3 + 5 to multiply 296.

    VJ: Agreed. And it is also worth observing:

    (a) that 888 + 1480 = 2368 = 64 x 37 = 4^3 x (4^3 - 3^3) - and the
    Lord's Name appears entirely in terms of simple cubes!

    (b) that a typical view of a cubical stack of 64 unit cubes reveals one
    or more faces of just 37; for the viewer, therefore, the said stack is a
    complete expression of 'the Lord'!

    (E) VJ: Now these are verifiable facts (and hardly the stuff of
    'numerology' that Glenn keeps alluding to!). They are truths that in my
    view deserve recognition - indeed, deserve to be pondered. Is it really
    likely that this remarkable confluence would arise by chance? Doesn't it
    rather suggest the purposive action of a divine hand? And should we not
    therefore make it our business - as followers of truth - to investigate
    further and determine what that purpose might be?

    GM: Your starting point - the Hebrew word ha'eretz - is arbitrary, &
    given the range of possible choices it's not amazing that a word can be
    found which 3, 4, and 5 can turn into the gemetria for the Greek of
    "Jesus Christ".

    VJ: You might like to reconsider this statement in view of my earlier

    GM: That having been done, I've shown with little attention to the
    matter that most of your facts are either the result of simple numerical
    properties which have nothing to do with the words in question, or are
    meaningless. I haven't shown this for your item (2) but probably could
    if I spent more than 20 minutes on it, which I don't plan to

    VJ: You might like to know that the second component of the 'friendly'
    pair, 1210, appears as a 'spin-off' in the analysis described in
    'Exceptional Measures'. It's a pity that you're so resistant to this
    body of truth! A half-hour there would be well spent, I assure you!

    VJ: You might like to offer your views re this particular example.

    GM: "Weighed in the balance and found wanting" is I think an appropriate
    biblical evaluation.

    VJ: I think not! We have just scratched the surface here. May I suggest
    that to approach all things new with an open mind is a precious asset!
    Without that we render ourselves unteachable. The Lord hardly expects
    that of those who serve him!



    George Murphy wrote:
    > Vernon Jenkins wrote:
    > >
    > > For the particular attention of Glenn, Dick and George:
    > >
    > > Why not return from the realms of fantasy and look instead at some
    > > facts? You appear to have dug your heels in with respect to the truths I
    > > have to offer, and clearly are not prepared to give them a second
    > > thought. Let me therefore suggest a little numerical tidbit which might
    > > offer a way forward:
    > >
    > > There must be few who will be unacquainted with the simplest application
    > > of the Pythagorean theorem, viz the 3:4:5 triangle. Any triangle having
    > > sides in these ratios will be found to have a right-angle opposite the
    > > longest side. It so happens that the gematrial value of 'the earth' - as
    > > rendered in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:1 - is 296. Multiplying this by 3, 4
    > > and 5, in turn, we generate the sides 888, 1184 and 1480, respectively,
    > > of a right-angled triangle. The features of this triangle include the
    > > following:
    > > (1) 888 and 1480 are the gematrial values of 'Jesus' and of 'Christ',
    > > respectively, from the NT Greek; the shortest and longest sides of our
    > > triangle taken together therefore 'spell' the Lord's Name;
    > Of course this is the gemetrial value of h'rtz not only in Gen.1:1
    > but anywhere else. & if this didn't work you could look for another word.

    > > (2) 1184 is the smaller component of the 'friendly number' pair,
    > > 1184/1210; in other words, the factors of 1184 (including 1 but
    > > excluding 1184 itsef) total 1210, and likewise, those of 1210 total
    > > 1184; such instances are very rare numerical events - this example being
    > > further distinguished by the fact that it had escaped the attention of
    > > 'friendly number' hunters until the latter years of the nineteenth
    > > century;
    > > (3) returning to the Lord's Name: the ratio 888:1480, ie 3:5 is, very
    > > appropriately, that of the sides of the mercy seat (Ex.25:17);
    > This is just the 3:5 ratio you started with since the factors of
    > 296 cancel out, so it has nothing to do with "the earth" of Gen.1:1.
    > > (4) the angle between these sides in our right-angled triangle is, to
    > > the nearest degree, 37 degrees; 37 is a factor of all three sides;
    > Since this depends on a particular unit of angular measurement - i.e.,
    > degrees instead of radians or circular mils, e.g. - it has no invariant significance.
    > > (5) the area of this triangle is 1,051,392 square units - a multiple
    > > of 2368, or 'Jesus Christ'.
    > The area of the triangle, (1/2) x base x altitude, is 1/2 your value, 525696.
    > 2368 is still a factor of this. It works because the area is (1/2) x 296 x 296 x 3 x 4
    > = 296 x 8 x 37 x 6 = (8 x 296) x (222) = 2368 x 222. I.e., enough factors of 2 have
    > gone into this product that you can get a factor of 8 = 3 + 5 to multiply 296.
    > > Now these are verifiable facts (and hardly the stuff of 'numerology'
    > > that Glenn keeps alluding to!). They are truths that in my view deserve
    > > recognition - indeed, deserve to be pondered. Is it really likely that
    > > this remarkable confluence would arise by chance? Doesn't it rather
    > > suggest the purposive action of a divine hand? And should we not
    > > therefore make it our business - as followers of truth - to investigate
    > > further and determine what that purpose might be?
    > Your starting point - the Hebrew word ha'eretz - is arbitrary, & given the range
    > of possible choices it's not amazing that a word can be found which 3, 4, and 5 can turn
    > into the gemetria for the Greek of "Jesus Christ". That having been done, I've shown
    > with little attention to the matter that most of your facts are either the result of
    > simple numerical properties which have nothing to do with the words in question, or are
    > meaningless. I haven't shown this for your item (2) but probably could if I spent more
    > than 20 minutes on it, which I don't plan to.
    > > You might like to offer your views re this particular example.
    > "Weighed in the balance and found wanting" is I think an appropriate biblical
    > evaluation.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    > George L. Murphy

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