Re: Exceptional Measures

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 16:36:22 EST

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Exceptional Measures"


    Thanks for your gracious response!

    I fail to see how you can have missed the connection between A4 (210mm x
    297mm) and the opening words of the Hebrew Bible. While it is
    inappropriate that I rehearse the whole of 'Exceptional Measures', let
    me just point out the following:

    (1) the A-series is based on the regular subdivision of a square metre
    of paper (beginning with A0 - a rectangle of size 841mm x 1189mm - its
    sides in the ratio 1:square root of 2); the series, A1, A2, and so on,
    is developed by successive halving - thus preserving this ratio;

    (2) the standard requires that the dimensions of all members of the
    series are presented to the nearest mm.

    Thus, placing an A4 sheet lengthwise along the edge of a metre rule so
    that its top RH corner lines up with the 1000mm mark, the LH edge will
    be found to register 703mm (ie 1000 - 297); a second sheet placed
    crosswise - its LH edge aligned with the LH edge of the first - will
    register 913 at its RH edge (ie 703 + 210). The latter is the gematrial
    value of the Bible's first word (meaning, "In the beginning"); the
    former, the sum of the gematrial values of words 6 and 7, ie 407 + 296
    (meaning, "and the earth." The values of all 8 of the Bible's opening
    words are realized in similar fashion.

    Referring to 'circular argument' you talk about my beginning with the
    presumption that there is a mathematical framework, and then setting out
    to prove it. But the information provided by the writer of The Book of
    Revelation suggests that such is the already the case (eg Rv.13:18); I
    have dealt with this at length in the page "666 - and All That!" Through
    it we are led to consider the remarkable properties of the Bible's first
    verse! I therefore reject the suggestion of 'circularity' in my methods.

    Chuck, I heartily believe, as you do, that the only matter of real
    importance to us all is "the good news that God gave his son to die for
    our sins." While I can't claim my findings to be the 'best way' of
    proclaiming this, I believe they have a significant part to play in
    clarifying - for all who will listen - the matter of God's sovereignty
    and of the dependability of his word!



    Vandergraaf, Chuck wrote:
    > Vernon,
    > I don't have the NIV footnotes handy, so I will take your word for it that
    > "times" means "two times."
    > My comment about the A4 size paper was made with my tongue firmly planted in
    > my cheek. I simply wanted to extrapolate what might happen if "we" were all
    > "forced" to use A$ paper rather than the NA standard 8.5" x 11" paper. To
    > some, this might be another example of "world government" or "the mark of
    > the beast." I don't see any connection between the metric dimension of A4
    > paper (210 x 297 mm) and Gen 1:1. Yes, I know that 297/210 = 1.41, which is
    > the square root of 2. So what? I would think that the "golden ratio" is
    > esthetically more pleasing than the dimensions of A4 paper.
    > As to my reference to a "circular argument," what I wanted to convey,
    > Vernon, is that you start with the premise that there is some mathematical
    > framework in the Scriptures and then set out to show it. At times, your
    > quest looks like "grasping at straws" and I'm not so sure that the Almighty
    > had this in mind when the Bible was written. But, I've been wrong before.
    > The upshot of all of this is whether your approach is the best way to
    > proclaim the good news that God gave his son to die for our sins. That's not
    > for me to decide but you may want to give it some thought.
    > Shalom!
    > Chuck

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