I'm in a very different situation. I'm the pastor, I usually
teach the adult class, & when we have dealt with creation & evolution I
try to be fair & courteous about rejections of evolution & don't at all
tell parishoners that they have to accept evolution. But what I present
is a view of evolution in the context of the Christian doctrine of
creation. As far as I know, only one person has left the congregation
because of my views on this, & there were other issues involved there.
OTOH, I have had pleasant surprises - e.g., an older member telling me
she was glad finally to hear something sensible about this in church.
Let me make what may seem a radical suggestion: If scientists
find the type of thing you describe a problem in their congregation,
look for another congregation. Sit down & talk privately with the
pastor about the problem, & say that you aren't comfortable in a
congregation where bad theology & bad science are presented & where your
vocation as a scientist is demeaned.
George L. Murphy