I think the announcements of the imminent demise of ICR are a little
premature. From what I can see, from the perspective of an evangelical
church in Canada, the ICR message is alive and well, thank you very much.
I think Burgy is onto something.
My church began an adult Sunday School class with topic: Creation vs.
Evolution. I decided to sit in on a few to see what approach was taken,
and learned a few things in the process. OK, I'm kidding :-) It was
exactly as expected.
The class began with several barbs aimed at evolutionists, and scientists
in general, and at people with Piled Higher and Deeper's, which generated a
few chuckles. This didn't bother me, it's just part of the scenery, I
guess. I learned that some Christians are theistic evolutionists, but are
just trying to blend science and faith, and end up compromising their
faith. So now you know... And the view put forth was the literal 7 day
creation around 6000 years ago.
The audience ate this up, laughing when expected to, and clearly enjoying
this demonstration of the foolishness of scientists.
Here's my question, my request for advice. Perhaps some of you have been
in a similar situation. Is it worth trying to do anything? Is it worth
trying to at least point out that there are other views, and perhaps
mention what they are? I don't think it would be appropriate or polite to
challenge the teacher on every point he makes in class. Perhaps discussing
the matter privately with him at class end, or giving him some alternate
material to read.. I dunno. Maybe I'll point him to Glenn's and others web
I'm rather certain that alternate views wouldn't be accepted, although I'm
sure they would be discussed. But I don't think they would convince anyone.
Have any of you been in a similar situation? I'm curious what response
some of you old-earthers or TE's have received from others in your church.
It's funny. I've been going there for years, and people know I'm a
scientist, but in all that time I've only ever had a few peripheral
questions about science/faith issues.
Dave F.