>The class began with several barbs aimed at evolutionists, and scientists
>in general, and at people with Piled Higher and Deeper's, which generated a
>few chuckles. This didn't bother me, it's just part of the scenery, I
>guess. I learned that some Christians are theistic evolutionists, but are
>just trying to blend science and faith, and end up compromising their
>faith. So now you know... And the view put forth was the literal 7 day
>creation around 6000 years ago.
>The audience ate this up, laughing when expected to, and clearly enjoying
>this demonstration of the foolishness of scientists.
Dear David,
Sometime ago Gish & C0. came to Wilmington, NC and presented their program.
I went to some of the lectures and I did get the feeling that they were
somewhat ridiculing scientists. Of course, they themselves have received
scientific degrees??? But they did raise some questions that ought to be
discussed as purely scientific issues--the fossil record, etc. I was
interviewed by our local newspaper--I am known in town as the professor who
has an opposing view which I indicated as a differing view to the reporter
and not to characterize it as an opposing views. My point was mainly that
the issue of origins gives rise to many theological/philosophical questions
that must be openly discussed.
Take care,