Re: We are losing. Big time.
George Murphy (
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 09:26:57 -0500Glenn Morton wrote:
> At 12:38 PM 1/21/98 -0500, George Murphy wrote:
> > "They" will keep winning until "we" see that we don't need to
> >make the basic assumption that Gen.1-11 must be accurate scientific &
> >historical records in order to be true. They are true, and they do
> >talk about the real world, but they are not those kinds of literature.
> > Glenn & I have gone around a couple of times on this & I don't
> >want just to replay the arguments.
> I don't want to ride that merry-go-round again either. I would want to
> point out that from my experience as a young-earth creationist the very fact
> that you want to say that Genesis is not accurate history is exactly why
> they run from your position. Whether your position is correct or not is a
> totally different issue. YECs don't view your position as friendly to the
> Scripture and thus will not entertain it.
In trying for brevity I probably made it seem that I was
proposing that we make a merely negative claim - that Gen.1-11 isn't all
"history as it really happened". It is also essential that we make the
positive point - that God is revealed in the cross & resurrection of
Jesus, that _that_ is what the Bible is about, Genesis through
Revelation. & my experience is that when YECs are presented with that,
they may still be put off by my position on Gen.1-11, but are at least
intrigued that someone espousing that position has such a strongly
christological emphasis. & some will stick around & discuss it.
But the issue anyway isn't whether or not hard-core YECs will
have their minds changed. It's whether people who haven't made up their
minds yet can be brought to see that a TE position is better -
scientifically & theologically - than the YEC one.
George L. Murphy