In the Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA) they had the same
trouble, and sometimes have it again. The synod of that church appointed a
study committee of theologians, natural scientists and philosophers in
1988. The committee reported to synod 1991, and the report may be found in
the agenda of synod 1991. You can probably locate a copy either at some
CRCNA church or from Grand Rapids, MI.
However, I don't think that it will end the controversy. We in CRCNA made
the mistake of appointing only University educated people. We should have
had some people in there with only elementary school education. My own
trouble with the subject started in High school, when a biology teacher
told us, that a lion, and a wolf could never lie together with a lamb,
because the teeth of lions and wolves were not made to eat grass. It was
at a Christian Highschool in 1942. It would have been alright if he had
right away started talking about biblical interpretation. He did not, and
I almost lost my faith. But God provided. I had philosophy lectures of a
Christian philosophy professor after that.
Jan de Koning
Willowdale, Ont.