Re: Request for Advice/Death of ICR?

George Murphy (
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 07:37:51 -0500

RDehaan237 wrote:

> Several times you have mentioned that evolution needs to be presented in the
> context of Christian doctrines of creation, and also, I believe, of salvation.
> At times you have hinted at this context and given us pieces of it. But I
> don't recall your making any substantive exposition of what such theology
> would look like. I would be interested in a more complete exposition of your
> views, if only in outline form. Or have you published any such thing that is
> generally available?

My larger theological project, "chiasmic cosmology", is the
attempt to deal with the science-theology dialogue in the context of a
theology of the cross. It is presented, with brief application to
evolution & some other topics, in an article in a few years ago in an
article in _Trinity Seminary Review_ of Fall 1991, which I'll be glad to
email to anyone who requests it. My paper in Vol.4 of the contributions
from the Pascal Conference of a few years ago also discusses this.
My book _The Trademark of God_ (Morehouse-Barlow, 1986) deals
specifically with creation, evolution, and salvation: This was designed
as a course for adult Christian laypeople. The book is out of print but
I can supply copies (and have been told by some that they have been able
to get it from Amazon). A some more scholarly treatment is "A
Theological Argument for Evolution" in _Journal of the ASA_ _38_, 19,

George L. Murphy