Origins Questions
for Science and Theology
An Introductory Overview
by Craig Rusbult, Ph.D.
an updated/expanded variation of
this page is FAQ about Creation, Evolution, and Design |
This overview, written
from a Christian perspective,
looks at a wide range of questions:
Understanding and Attitudes 2.
Theistic Perspectives 3.
The Universe 4.
Four Evolutions 5.
Chemical Evolution 6.
Biological Evolution 7. Design
and Science 8.
Science and Religion in Education |
Hopefully this overview will help to improve
understanding and attitudes.
2A. Theistic Action
When we're developing our worldviews —
our theories about reality and values,
our views of the world that we use for
living in the world — an interesting question is:
If God exists, what does God do?
According to the Bible, God designed
and created the universe, continually sustains its ongoing operation, and
can influence
events in ways that appear natural (normal, consistent
with the usual operation of nature) or miraculous
(not according to our usual expectations). In the Bible, God's actions
were usually natural-appearing and occasionally miraculous-appearing.
There is a page
with more about Theistic Action.
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remains open in this window), but ITALICIZED LINKS will
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2B. Four Theistic
In a common cultural stereotype,
there is one Judeo-Christian theory of creation.
In reality,
four types of creation theories are compatible with Biblical theism:
creation in six 24-hour days, 6000-10000 years ago, followed
by a global flood;
creation in billions of years, with natural process plus
occasional miraculous-appearing action either to create
a new species
independently (so it would not necessarily have any relationships
with existing species) or to create a new species by
modifying the genetic material of an existing species.
evolution, with the universe designed so complex life would
naturally evolve.
Each position proposes the creation of
humans, by natural and/or miraculous process, with a "spiritual connection"
that allows a spiritual relationship between humans and God.
Each position makes different scientific
claims. { These differences are described in Section 6B,
and my views are in 2F. }
2C. Humility in Metaphysics
and Science
AN OBSERVATION: Our personal
interactions are more enjoyable when we respect the rationality of other positions
and other people, and respect seems to arise more easily when we adopt an attitude
of logically appropriate humility about the certainty of our own positions.
AN OPINION: I think it is unwise
to link the Gospel of Jesus with any particular view of origins, by claiming
that "if the Bible is true, the earth is young" (which is logically
equivalent to saying "if the earth is not young, the Bible is not
true") or "if the Bible is true, evolution is false."
God want us to be certain about His existence and activity?
Each person can use evidence (historical, personal, and scientific) to estimate
the plausibility of various worldviews, but there is no logically rigorous proof
for any worldview.
CHOICE AND FAITH: I think this state
of uncertainty is intended by God, who seems to prefer a balance of evidence,
with enough logical reasons to either believe or disbelieve, so a person's
heart and will can make the decision. We have freedom to choose what
we really want, and an opportunity to develop the "living by faith" character
that is highly valued by God, with a trust in God serving as the foundation
for all thoughts and actions of daily living. { Is
there proof for the existence and activity of God? }
2D. Young-Earth Creationism
In my opinion, theories of young-earth
creation are not theologically necessary or scientifically plausible:
Linguistically and theologically, old-earth
interpretations of the Bible seem justified and satisfactory, so believing the
Bible is true does not require belief in a young earth.
Theories of flood geology — which
claim that Noah's Flood produced most of the earth's geology and fossil record —
make many incorrect predictions (for geology, fossils, biogeography,...). And
independent evidence from a wide range of fields (geology, oceanography, nuclear
genetics, astronomy,...) indicates that the earth and universe are billions
of years old. { more about Young-Earth
Creationism: Theology and Science }
2E. Theistic Evolution
In my opinion,
all theists, including both proponents
and opponents of theistic evolution, should believe that natural
process is designed and sustained by God, and can be guided by God.
an all-natural formative
history (for a total evolution of the
universe: astronomical, geological, chemical, and biological) is compatible
with miracles in salvation
history (such as those recorded in the Bible) that are designed to achieve
the goals of God for humans.
when all things are considered, miracles
during the formative history of nature seem probable (for theological and
reasons) but not theologically necessary, so a claim that "the Bible says
God created, but does not explicitly specify a method of creation" seems
justified. Therefore, a theist
can be open-minded about science, and is free to accept any answer (yes,
no, or maybe) when we ask whether
evidence indicates that miracles occurred in formative history.
even if, as proposed in a theory of evolutionary
creation, God designed the universe so natural process could produce
complex physical structures (like stars and planets) and biological structures
(like intelligent life), God could guide a natural formative history so it
produced a desired complex result (such as humans with particular characteristics)
of another result. In fact, I think such guidance would be necessary
to achieve the goals of God, even if natural process is sufficient to produce
of the complexity we observe. And, as explained in Sections 5 (for chemical
evolution) and 6E (for biological evolution),
there are scientific reasons to question the creative sufficiency of natural
process. { more about Evolutionary
Creation (Theistic Evolution) & Theology }
2F. Old-Earth Creation
(my view)
What is my view of origins? I
think that:
the universe and earth are billions
of years old,
the first life was independently
created, and
biological development occurred
by natural process (with genetic changes sometimes guided by God *)
supplemented by occasional "miraculous-appearing theistic action" to
modify some of the genetic material in previously existing organisms.
* I
define "natural" to mean
"normal appearing," which does not mean "without God."
Why are these my views? It seems
to me that:
There is abundant scientific evidence for
an old earth, and an old earth is theologically satisfactory;
based on scientific evidence, it seems
that a natural origin of life is extremely improbable, and
natural process alone was not sufficient
to produce the biological complexity we observe;
compared with independent creations (of
new species), genetic modifications (to create new species) is more scientifically
plausible, and is more consistent with a Biblical history in which God usually
works with currently available resources instead of "starting over from
theories of intelligent design (which
propose that a feature was produced by design-directed
action rather than undirected
natural process) are more scientifically justifiable
than theories of creation.
about my views
4. Evolution
In an attempt to explain the entire
history of nature, scientists have proposed theories of natural evolution: astronomical,
geological, chemical, and biological.
Astronomical Evolution: As
far as I know, there are no scientifically significant creationist challenges
to theories proposing that natural processes can produce galaxies, stars, and
An interesting question: If the universe
had a "big bang" beginning, did this require an act of creation, or
could it occur naturally?
Geological Evolution: Conventional
theories of modern geology — which propose a combination of slow-acting
uniformitarian processes and fast-acting catastrophic
events (such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods) — can explain
a wide variety of historical observations. These theories are more
scientifically adequate than the "flood geology" alternatives
of young-earth creationists.
5. Chemical Evolution
Scientists who are trying to imagine
how life might have arisen naturally propose a two-stage process:
1) formation of organic molecules, which
combine to make larger biomolecules;
2) self-organization of these molecules
into a living organism.
What scientists are learning is that
the complexity required for life (in terms
of biomolecule formation and self-organization) seems to be much greater than the
complexity possible by natural process (beginning with lifeless
This huge difference has motivated scientists to creatively construct new theories
for reducing requirements and enhancing possibilities, but none of these ideas
has progressed from speculation to plausibility. { more about The
Science of Chemical Evolution }
6. Biological Evolution
CONCEPTUAL CLARITY is a worthy goal.
To communicate with more precision, we should precisely define two central concepts:
evolution and creation.
6A: The Many Meanings of Evolution
To rationally evaluate "evolution"
we must distinguish between its many potential meanings. In general,
E is any process of change. In biology, E is a
change in the gene pool of a population. But E can also refer
to fossil
progression, common descent, micro-E
within a species, macro-E to produce a new species
(*), neo-Darwinian
theories proposing that E occurred by
specific mechanisms, or a Total Macro-E claim
that all biodiversity and biocomplexity was produced by the cumulative effects
natural macro-E.
* macro-evolution
could range from minor
macro-E (which occurs, for example, when two groups within a species
become isolated from each other, then evolve independently until they can
longer interbreed, thus forming two species that are very similar) to major
6B: The Many Meanings of Creation
Similarly, a theory of "creation"
can be young-earth creation (yeC),
old-earth creation (oeC),
or theistic evolution (TE).
Understanding the scientific differences between the
four basic creationist positions is important because
evidence for an old earth (including evolutionary
fossil progressions) is not evidence against the
two old-earth theories;
evidence for common
descent (such as homologous adaptations of previously existing structures,
vestigial structures, "molecular clock" analyses, and a sharing
of pseudogenes, Hox genes, and the genetic code) counts against one old-earth
(oeCindependent, with independent creation) but
not another (oeCmodification, with creations
by miraculous-appearing genetic modification).
The table below shows four components of evolutionary theory that are described above and in Section 6A, and whether each creationist theory affirms this component (yes) or denies it (no). This lets you see the similarities and differences between neo-Darwinian natural evolution (E, which is scientifically identical whether the E is theistic, agnostic, or atheistic) and three modern creationist theories, plus outdated creationism from two centuries ago (1800).
components of E-theory (for each component, does a theory say yes or no?) |
natural evolution |
old-earth modification creation |
old-earth independent creation |
young-earth independent creation |
creation theories of 1800 |
micro-E, minor macro-E | YES | YES | YES | YES | no |
old earth, fossil progressions | YES |
no |
no |
common descent |
YES | no | no | no |
natural Total Macro-E | YES | no | no | no | no |
This table illustrates the value of precise
definitions — for the four types of evolution (the
four theory components) and the three modern non-naturalistic creation
theories —
in understanding
the components that each theory includes and excludes.
process of logical comparison requires
asking, when two theories are compared, "In what ways do the claims made
by these theories differ? For example, by looking across the "micro-E,
minor macro-E" row, you can see (YES, YES, YES, YES) that evidence for
micro-evolution does not help us distinguish
and any modern
creationist theory. To distinguish between two theories, we must focus
on components where the claims differ. When comparing "natural evolution"
with "old-earth macromutational creation" the only difference is "natural
Total Macro-E" (YES, no) so evidence for common descent (or an old earth
or micro-E) is irrelevant. But when comparing neo-Darwinism with "young-earth
independent creation" there are different claims (YES, no) about three components.
evaluate theories in a way that is scientifically rational, we need precise
definitions and logical
comparison. These ideas (in 6A-6E) are explored more thoroughly
in Logical Evaluations of Evolution
and Creation.
Shifts of Meaning
Often, support is illogically shifted
from a strongly supported meaning of evolution (such as basic "old
progressions in the fossil record, or micro-E changes that occur in finch
beaks and drug-resistant bacteria) to a less strongly supported meaning
(like Total Macro-E).
Often, scientific evidence against young-earth
creation is shifted onto old-earth creation; and the important scientific
differences between two old-earth theories (independent creation and genetic
modification) are ignored.
With an evolution-shift
the implied support increases, with a creation-shift
it decreases. But in each case the shift (and
associated implication) is not logically justified.
6D: Why do shifts of
meaning occur?
Shifts of meaning can arise from an intention
to mislead, inadequate understanding of concepts, lack of communication skill,
or (in one type of shift) a narrow focus on the most visible and vocal form
of creationism.
But value judgments
(about the relative importance of different evaluation criteria) can
also provide a logical reason to ignore distinctions between theories.
For example, if a young earth is all that matters, all old-earth theories
will be opposed with equal vigor. And for someone whose main goal is
to avoid any implication that God has "interfered with nature,"
any creationist theory is equally guilty.
Value judgments are an essential part
of making decisions, but they should be logically analyzed to determine whether
they are contributing to inaccurate evaluations and unwarranted implications.
6E: Questions about Evolution
We should critically
evaluate the plausibility of an extrapolation from micro-E through minor
macro-E to Total Macro-E
by asking "How many mutations and how much selection would be required,
how long would this take, and how probable is it?"
Another important question is whether systems
that seem irreducibly complex (because all parts
seem necessary for performing the system's function) could be produced in a
step-by-step process of evolution, since there would be no function to "select
for" until all parts are present.
6F: Questionable Criticisms of Evolution
To avoid illogical criticism of evolution,
We should evaluate
only accurately characterized modern theories, not distorted strawmen.
We should not imply
that debates between evolutionists automatically discredit their theories.
{ But some of their criticisms do raise questions about neo-Darwinism. }
We should not claim
that evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics, since in each
step of neo-Darwinian evolution the actions (mutation and natural selection)
are thermodynamically allowed, and so is a long process composed of these
and actions. There are reasons to question evolution, but The Second
Law is not one of these reasons. { more about Young-Earth
Creationism and The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy and Evolution }
We should not imply
that atheism is a necessary aspect of evolution, because "if atheism
then evolution" is not logically equivalent to "if evolution then
atheism," and "all atheists are evolutionists" does not mean that "all
evolutionists are atheists." { Does "all dogs are animals" mean
that "all animals are dogs"? }
7. Science and Design
This area is important,
with many interesting ideas, and eventually I'll write a
compact version
of it. This isn't available now, but now the main ideas are in a page
asking, Can a theory of intelligent
design be scientific?
Religious Perspectives in Origins Education
How can we move toward a fair, balanced
treatment of religious perspectives?
Of course, we can agree that teachers
in public schools should not impose their religious beliefs (theistic, atheistic,
new age,...) on students. But a simplistic policy of avoiding religion
does not achieve a neutral balance, due to an asymmetry of expression: to
be communicated, theistic views must be explicitly
stated; but nontheistic
views can be implicitly communicated by an absence of God in all discussions.
Avoiding an implicit advocacy of worldviews
is not easy, but is possible. An effective teaching of science/religion
relationships depends on the integrity and skill of teachers who think carefully,
with wisdom and courage, about desirable goals, who build a solid foundation
by adequate preparation, and who carry out their classroom activities with
and respect. Critical
Thinking (about evolution & intelligent design) in
Schools and Critical Thinking
& Worldviews
for readers in
the United States: The U.S. Constitution encourages
a "free expression" of religion, but prohibits an "establishment"
of religion, and says nothing about a "separation of church and state."
If teaching is done skillfully, with wisdom and sensitivity, with an intent
to educate (about science) rather than to persuade (about religion), it should
not run into legal trouble with the "establishment" clause of the
Constitution. Recent court rulings that limit what teachers can be required
to do in the classroom place far fewer restrictions on what a teacher is allowed
to do.
8B. Origins Education
Teachers face many difficult choices
when deciding what to teach, and how. The difficulty increases when teaching
about origins, due to the climate of controversy produced by a complex blending
of science, religion, and culture.
In origins education, one valuable principle
is to aim for conceptual clarity by defining
clearly, with precision, each of the many potential meanings for three key
concepts: evolution, creation, and design. Another
principle is to make a distinction between helping students understand evolution
(this is the main goal) and persuading them to believe evolution.
done well, open discussions can be educational (leading to accurate
understanding and respectful attitudes) but if not done well they can
dangerous (leading
worldview indoctrination). { for a quick overview of basic ideas, read Origins
Education in Public Schools: Critical Thinking about Evolution and Intelligent
Design }
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