An Introduction to the Question
This page examines one question — When
a conclusion is reached by scientific
consensus (by the majority of current scientists), should we accept
this conclusion? — in two areas: for age (when we
ask "Is
the universe young or old?") and design (when we ask "Has the history
of nature included only undirected natural process?").
When we ask "Should we accept
the consensus?"
in each area, and compare the answers given by three views, it seems
that only two of the views are internally consistent:
creation says "never accept the consensus, in both areas."
theistic evolution says "always accept the consensus, in both areas."
old-earth creation says "sometimes accept the consensus."
This page explains why — even though
old-earth creation accepts the consensus in one area (for questions about age)
rejects it in the other area (for questions about design) — there is
no logical inconsistency. Why? Because
in a comparison of the two areas, age and design, we find major differences
in: 1) views about the reliability of
historical science, 2)
scientific evidence supporting the consensus theory, 3) relationship
between consensus and challenger theories, and 4) potential bias due to cultural-personal influences inside and outside the scientific community.
these four differences — 1. views about science 2.
scientific evidence 3.
theory characteristics 4. scientist bias — after
introducing the four
competitive theories: two for age, and two for design.
Two Theories
about Age
Theories of conventional
geology propose that the earth is more than four billions years old,
and its geology and fossil record were produced over a long period of time
by a combination of slow (uniformitarian) and fast (catastrophic) natural processes.
A theory of young-earth flood
geology proposes that the earth is less than ten thousand years old,
and almost all of its geology and fossil record were produced in a short period
by catastrophic natural processes
during a global flood.
Two Theories about Design
To explain the origin of a feature (an
object, system,...) during the history of nature, the two possibilities are nondesign (with
production by undirected natural process) and design (with
production by design-directed action that converts
an agent's unobservable "design idea" into a designed feature we can observe). There are several types of design,
due to differences in the agent, timing, and detectability. The design
can be done by a natural agent (using natural action) or a supernatural
agent (using natural or supernatural action). For a supernatural
agent, the design-action can occur at the beginning of history (in a design
of nature) or during history, and during history it can be detectable or
natural-appearing. This paper will focus on questions about detectable design-action during
history. { Another possibility is design-action at the
beginning of history, with God designing the universe so a feature would
be created by natural process. }
How can we distinguish between
nondesign and design? With proper definitions, design and non-design
are mutually exclusive (it was either one or the other) so non-design
is supported if the production of a feature by undirected natural
process seems plausible; and if this does not seem plausible, design
is supported.
What is the current status of
design theories? For some features, such as a bird nest or
the faces on Mt Rushmore, a conclusion of design is strongly supported
and is accepted by all scientists. These noncontroversial conclusions
will be ignored in the theory comparisons (of design vs nondesign)
in this page. Instead, the focus will be on the production
of other features, such as the first carbon-based life, for which
some scientists accept design but the majority of scientists reject
design. Usually, disagreements occur when there is an implication
of supernatural design-action during history. Later in this page, I'll ask
an important question: When a claim for design is rejected,
is this conclusion based on scientific logic or nonscientific philosophy? Is
it being rejected because the evidence-and-logic indicate a production
by undirected natural process, rather than design-directed action? Or
is it being rejected because accepting a design theory would imply
accepting the possibility of supernatural design-directed action?
1. Views about Historical Science
What are the
differences between proponents of three
theories — young-earth creation, old-earth creation (with design-directed action),
and old-earth evolution (with only undirected natural process) — when
we ask, "What are the capabilities of historical science, for
about age and design?"
When we ask questions about age, most proponents of young-earth theories are super-skeptical about the ability of historical science (as in geology or astronomy) to reach any reliable scientific conclusions about history. They ask, "Were you there?", and declare that a "no" means "therefore you can't know much about ancient history" and that "presuppositions determine conclusions." [the two old-earth views disagree]
Similarly, when we ask questions about
design, many proponents of evolutionary theories are
super-skeptical (*) about the ability of historical
science to determine anything about historical
design-directed action by an agent, at least if the agent and action might
have been supernatural. {* I say "many" instead of "all" because
some proponents of
theistic evolution think design is scientifically detectable in principle,
but in reality has not been detected. }
By contrast, old-earth proponents
of design theories are
confident that scientists have developed, and will
continue improving, scientific methods (which are based on a logical evaluation
of observable
evidence) to cope with the challenges of scientifically distinguishing
between design and nondesign. As with all science, for design questions we cannot obtain
proof, but we can develop a rationally justified confidence about "a good
way to bet."
Old-earth design theorists say that science can do more (when thinking about historical age questions) than is claimed by skeptical young-earth flood geologists, and also that science can do more (when thinking about historical design questions) than is claimed by non-design theorists. Thus, there are differences between the claims of old-earth design (about what is science, re: age and design) and the claims (about what is not science) that are often made by young-earth creationists (re: age) and proponents of non-design (re: design). Old-earth creation is logically consistent in accepting the reliability of historical science in both areas.
Scientific Evidence
The most important difference
between consensus theories about age and design is the scientific evidence. For
age-questions, there is overwhelming scientific evidence for
universe. But
for design-questions, a logical evaluation of evidence indicates that there
are serious scientific questions about some aspects of a theory of Total Natural
even though
neo-Darwinian theory
are strongly supported.
Overwhelming Evidence
(about age)
Young-earth "flood geology" theories,
which propose that a global flood produced most of the earth's geology and
fossil record, lead to incorrect theory-based explanations of geological formations,
the arrangement of fossils in this geology, and the biogeographical distribution
(now and in the fossil record) of animals and plants. Although young-earth
science makes some valid claims for the geological importance of catastrophic
events, this does not contradict the old-earth theories of modern geology,
which propose a combination of slow-acting uniformitarian
processes and fast-acting catastrophic events such
as volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.
Evidence from a wide range of fields — including
the study of coral reefs, ice cores, sedimentary rocks, the fossil record
in geological context, seafloor spreading and continental drift, magnetic reversals,
molecular clocks, radioactive dating, the development of stars, starlight from
faraway galaxies, and more — indicates that the earth and universe are
billions of years old.
Because "a long time" is an essential
component of many theories that in other ways (such as the domains they explain
and the proposals they include) are relatively independent, it is less likely
that suspicions of circular reasoning are justified. With this independence,
the old-earth evidence is not like a "house of cards" where if one part falls
it all falls. It is more like a strong house with a ceiling supported
in many ways: by concrete walls reinforced by steel rods, plus granite
pillars, wood beams,... Each support would be sufficient by itself, but
when combined the support is even stronger. The young-earth task of pulling
down the "old earth house" would require discarding much of modern science. This
isn't likely to happen, nor is it a desirable goal.
Scientific Questions
(about design)
page about Logical
Evaluation of Evolution explains why — when
the scientific principle of logical comparison is
ignored — evolutionary theories
appear to be scientifically stronger than they actually are. Here is a
brief summary:
Often, support
is illogically shifted from a strongly supported meaning of biological
evolution (such as basic fossil-E progressions,
micro-E changes in drug-resistant bacteria and finch beaks, or minor
macro-E with small
in otherwise similar species) to
a less strongly supported
meaning (like Total Macro-E with a natural evolution, from bacteria to humans,
of all
biocomplexity). This shift, which increases the
apparent support for evolution,
is not logically justified.
Also, the important scientific differences
between two theories of old-earth creation (by independent
creation or by genetic
modification) are ignored. In a comparative evaluation we should
focus on the differences between competitive theories, instead of wasting time
on questions where both theories agree. ( The full page has a table showing
the similarities and differences between four theories. ) When
we ask, "Does
this evidence really matter?",
we see that most of the evidence typically proposed in support of evolution
with old-earth
by genetic modification, or with a basic theory of intelligent design.
Strong support for Total Macro-E requires
strong answers for tough questions, by asking "How
many mutations and how much selection would be required, how long would this
take, and how probable is it?" and "Could a
step-by-step process of evolution produce systems that (because all parts
seem necessary for performing the system's function) seem irreducibly complex?" since
there would be no function to "select for" until all parts are present.
For another naturalistic theory — proposing a natural chemical evolution of the first carbon-based living organism — the current scientific consensus (of those who do research in this area) is that this theory is highly implausible, for a variety of reasons that are summarized in The Origin of Life. Currently, most evidence is against a theory that life began by undirected natural process. But in most textbooks a theory of chemical evolution is labeled "the scientific explanation." Is this because the evidence for it is strong, or because a naturalistic theory MUST be the scientific conclusion, if methodological naturalism is adopted. So what is the consensus conclusion about chemical evolution? Is it what the experts think (that it's scientifically implausible) or what the textbooks say (that it's the scientific conclusion)?
a summary
I think the scientific
evidence for an old earth and old universe is overwhelming, but
there are reasons to question whether undirected natural
process was sufficient for producing the first life and complex
life. Therefore,
based on scientific evidence I accept one consensus conclusion
(about age) but question the other (about design).
3. Characteristics of Theories
of Competing Theories
This section compares the logical
characteristics of the four competing theories (two for age, two for design)
described earlier. For simplicity, I'll assume
there are only two theories in each area. { This section is dense in
ideas, so if you don't like it please feel free to move on to Section 4.
For age-questions,
flood geology (young earth) and conventional geology (old
earth) both propose that observed features were produced by undirected natural
process (UNP), so it's UNP vs UNP.
1a) young-earthers
propose non-UNP miracles when there is a self-acknowledged weakness
in THEIR OWN theory. For example, miracles seem necessary
to explain the dissipation of heat during the rapid plate movements
(which are needed to explain some observations) of runaway subduction. And
an initial creation with miraculous apparent age is
often used to explain away other difficulties in young-universe theories.
2a) or young-earthers, to
defend a self-acknowledged weakness in their own theory, can claim that "there
is a plausible young-earth explanation, we just haven't found it yet";
3a) or young-earthers can
play the trump card of scriptural authority by claiming that,
regardless of the evidence and logic, a Bible-believing Christian must conclude
that "it happened as described in [our interpretation of] the Bible."
For design-questions,
non-design and design propose that observed features were
produced by undirected natural process and design-directed action, respectively,
so it's UNP vs agent-action.
1d) old-earth creationists imply
non-UNP design action (which could appear miraculous *)
when they claim there is a weakness in OPPOSING theories (* a
creationist moves beyond the limits of a basic design theory by proposing that
the design-action was done by God);
2d) evolutionists,
to defend a self-acknowledged weakness in their own theory, can claim "there
is a plausible evolutionary explanation, we just haven't found
it yet";
3d) or evolutionists can
play the trump card of methodological naturalism by
claiming that, regardless of the evidence and logic, the scientific conclusion
must be that "it happened by UNP."
COMPARISONS (to find similarities
and differences)
Notice the difference between
1a and 1d: miracles are proposed by flood geologists due to weakness
in THEIR OWN theory, and by old-earth creationists (*) due to weakness
in the OPPOSING theory.
But we see similarities in
2a and 2d, in claims (by flood geologists and evolutionists) that "we
haven't found it yet, but we will in future science."
And there are similarities
in 3a and 3d, in claims (by flood geologists and evolutionists)
that nonscientific criteria (scriptural authority or methodological
naturalism) should trump the evidence-and-logic of science.
In contrast with appeals to the
inevitable success of future science (in 2a & 2d) and the nonscientific
trumping of current science (in 3a & 3d), old-earth creationists want
to rely on evidence and logic, along with a creative-and-critical evaluation
of future science in the liberating context of an
open science that is free of nonscientific restrictions.
What are the capabilities of historical
science? As explained in Section 1,
young-earth creationists are
super-skeptical about historical science for age-questions;
similarly, many evolutionists
are super-skeptical about historical science for design-questions.
By contrast, old-earth creationists
are confident about historical science for both questions.
Despite the important difference between 1a and 1d (re: whose "theory weakness" inspires a claim for miracles), flood geologists and old-earth creationists both agree that God does miracles whenever He decides that natural process is not sufficient to achieve what He wants to happen in history. / And young-earth creationists claim both types of miracles: 1a (to defend weakness in their own theories of flood geology) and 2a (to attack weakness in non-creationist theories of chemical evolution and biological evolution).
4. The Bias of Scientists
Sections 1-3 looked at science (and logic),
now we'll look at scientists (and bias).
This section has been moved into a page about critical thinking (excerpts from it appear later), but here is a summary of some relevant ideas:
Methodological Influence
In most of this page, speaking as an old-earth
creationist, I have expressed confidence in the basic logic of science. But
I question the rationality of a restriction that has
been added to the basic logic.
In the current scientific community, the consensus
methodology —
accepted by the majority of scientists — includes methodological
naturalism (MN), a proposal
to restrict the freedom of scientists by requiring that they include
only natural causes in their theories.
How does MN affect the process and results
of science? The circular logic of MN converts a naturalistic assumption
into a naturalistic conclusion by declaring that when we ask, "Has the history
of the universe included both natural and non-natural events?", the
only acceptable answer is "no." With MN the inevitable scientific
conclusion — no
matter what is being studied or what is the evidence — must
be that "it happened by natural process." Because this conclusion
is automatic, it does not depend on the "evidence and logic" process of science,
yet the conclusion is considered scientific. Thus,
MN provides a way to bypass
the process of science and then claim the authority
of science.
If non-natural events did occur during
history, MN will force scientists to reach
some false conclusions. And MN can produce a
significant decrease in the quality of critical thinking about naturalistic
theories, which are unfalsifiable
(since they're protected by MN) when they're compared
with non-naturalistic
For a design theory, if we suspect
that the design-action was miraculous and
was done by a supernatural
agent, there is an implication of non-natural
action. But if this possibility is denied
by MN, some design theories are automatically
eliminated. {
Opponents of design try to "win fairly" by arguing for
the plausibility of their naturalistic theories. But in case these arguments
are not decisive, there is always a backup plan for "winning by any means
necessary" by
appealing to MN. }
Personal and Cultural Influences
A variety of influences can motivate a
scientist to produce a biased conclusion. These
influences include personal worldview (which includes religion and much more),
methodology (such as MN), and professional self-interest. The
opinions of a scientist can be influenced by shared assumptions within a scientific
community about "proper ways to think" and by people who — because they
make important decisions about hiring, funding, and publishing — have
the power to reward or punish their peers, and thus to
influence their behavior.
either area, for questions about age or design, arguing against
the majority consensus will usually be detrimental to the career
of a scientist. Almost
always, it will be unwise — at least in terms of gaining respect, employment,
promotion, research funding, publications, professional honors, and positions
of influence — to adopt young-universe theories in geology or astronomy,
or to question the total sufficiency of natural evolution in
biology. Therefore, a scientist who is motivated by personal-cultural influences
will be motivated to adopt both old-earth science and evolutionary science.
But these motivations do not mean that
conclusions in both sciences are equally biased. Why? Because even
though scientists (as individuals or in a group) may be motivated to reach
a particular conclusion, this does not necessarily mean that the process of
scientific evaluation, or the conclusion reached, will be biased. Perhaps
the scientists can overcome their "tendency toward bias" and make an objective
evaluation. Or
a person (or group) might strongly hope that the evidence
will point to a certain conclusion, and might be incapable of an objective
evaluation leading
to the
opposite conclusion, but the reality is that an objectively
neutral evaluation of the evidence actually does point to the desired conclusion,
the scientist's bias (during the process of evaluation) makes
no difference because a neutral evaluation would also lead to the same desired
Therefore, we cannot
say that "If scientists have a motivation to be biased, their conclusion will be biased." Instead,
we should look at the evidence and ask, "If there was a neutral evaluation of the evidence, based
on pure logic without bias, what would be the conclusion?"
When we look at the evidence and logic,
I think the consensus conclusion is biased (i.e. its estimate of plausibility
does not match an estimate based on pure scientific logic) when we look at
one conclusion (about all aspects of totally naturalistic evolution being a "fact" that
is beyond doubt, since I think there are valid scientific reasons for questions)
but not the other conclusion (about the earth and universe being old).
What about religious influences? In my page about Interactions between Science and Religion in Origins Science, I claim that "a theist has options (young-earth creation, old-earth creation, or theistic evolution) and is free to follow the evidence and logic of science to any conclusion." But if a person believes that the Bible teaches a young-earth view, there will be personal pressure to achieve personal consistency by also believing young-earth science. For an atheist or a rigid agnostic, there will be personal pressure to believe naturalistic theories, and in some groups (where there is antagonism toward religious views) there can also be group pressure. Similarly, in some parts of the Christian community, there will be group pressure to adopt a particular view; this is especially common for young-earth creation, but can also occur for old-earth creation or theistic evolution.
The ideas above,
especially about methodological and personal-cultural influences, are explored
more thoroughly in Critical
Thinking in Closed Science (and Open Science). Here is an excerpt:
What has been the response to theories
of design? When Michael Behe
submitted papers about irreducible complexity to science journals, individual
editors were interested, but groups were intolerant. One editorial board
concluded its letter of rejection, "Our journal... believes
that evolutionary explanations of all structures and phenomena of life are possible
and inevitable."
In an open-minded free science, the response
would be different. Behe's thought-provoking questions would be welcomed
as an opportunity to gain a more complete understanding of evolution at the
molecular level. The journals would be eager to communicate new ideas,
to host invigorating debates between critics of a theory and its loyal defenders.
... In a community of scientists who are exploring freely, thinking
flexibly, and dedicated to finding truth, Behe's tough questions would be used
as a stimulus
for critical analysis, creative thinking, and productive action.
Apparent Age Historical
Ideas Future Science
Apparent Age
From the introductory
summary in my page about Apparent
Theories of apparent
age should be taken
seriously, because IF everything was created in a 144-hour period, THEN some
appearance of age (the essential-AA) would be necessary to produce immediate
functionality. But there is another important claim involving if-then logic: If
God wants to avoid misleading us with false history, then God will create a universe
that is old, so it can actually be the age it appears to be. {
A common claim — that "God has declared the universe to be young in
Genesis 1, so if it is not young then God is a liar" — is based on
an interpretation that is only one of several good interpretations. } .....
I don't think it is wise to use a theory
that includes nonessential apparent
age [which would not be needed for immediate
functionality] — especially when, as is usually
the case, this is combined with scientifically inadequate flood geology — as
an essential part
of a foundation for science or faith.
historical science be scientific?
As explained in Part 1, young-earth creationists
and evolutionary creationists are both super-skeptical about historical science,
but in different ways. In a three-part series, the first page — Historical
Science is Empirical and Scientific — explains why (contrary to both
skepticisms) historical science can let scientists reach reliable conclusions
about age-questions and design-questions. The second page — Historical
Science and Young-Earth Creationism — answers the radical relativism
of young-earth skeptics who ask "Were you there? Did you see it?",
and imply that "no" means "then you can't know anything about
Current theories for a natural origin
of life seem implausible. Is it rational for scientists to consider
the possibility that life might have been the result of design-directed
action? Of course, certainty is impossible because we can never
propose and test all possibilities for non-design. But we could
develop a logically justified confidence that our search has been thorough
yet futile, and no promising approaches remain unexplored.
If a
design theory claims only to be "more probable" or to warrant "a
high level of confidence" this is the standard by which it should
be judged. It seems unreasonable for critics of design to demand — along
with radical postmodern critics who challenge the credibility of all
science — that if scientists cannot claim the certainty of proof,
they should claim nothing.
Future developments in science could
make the status of non-design increase (if we discover how a feature
could have been produced by non-design) or decrease (if new knowledge
reinforces our doubts about non-design). To decide which "future
science" is more probable, we must predict improvements
in current theories and inventions of new
theories. For example, we can look at each reason that a
natural origin of life seems implausible — due to properties like
the unfavorable chemical equilibria for synthesizing biomolecules, and
the high degree of biocomplexity required for metabolism and reproduction,... — and
then try to imagine ways in which future knowledge might change our views
of each property. We can ask, "How likely is each change?" and "How
would it affect our evaluations for a natural origin of life?"
Doing this well requires creativity
(to imagine what could be) plus criticality (to make realistic predictions
about what is probable in reality, not just possible in our imaginations)
so we can avoid the extremes of insisting that in this area of science "nothing
new will ever happen" or "anything could happen."
Ideas taken to Extremes
The following excerpts
are taken from the Introduction and the Summaries (for Sections 2 and 3) in
a page that asks,
Should scientific method
be eks-rated? {
with eks replacing x, to fool the
filtering programs }
Should our confidence in science be lessened
by the limits of logic and the influence of culture? ... [My
comments and conclusions] are based on
a simple principle (that if a good idea is taken
to extremes without sufficient balance from rational critical
there may be undesirable consequences)
and an assumption (that undesirable consequences
should be avoided).
The Limits of Logic [this
section is relevant mainly for questions about design, where opponents of
design say "you don't have proof, so you should be quiet"]
Can science cope with the limits of logic? Everyone
agrees that there are limits. It is impossible, using any type of logic,
to prove that any theory is either true or false. ... [an explanation of "why" is
in the eks-rated page but has been omitted in this appendix] ...
Yes, these skeptical challenges are logically
valid. But a critical thinker should know, not just the limits of logic,
but also the sophisticated methods that scientists have developed to cope with
these limitations and minimize their practical effects. By using these
methods, scientists can develop a rationally justifiable
confidence in their
conclusions, despite the impossibility of proof or disproof.
We should challenge the rationality of
an implication made by skeptics — that if we cannot claim certainty,
we can claim nothing. Modern science has given up the quest for certainty,
and has decided to aim for a high degree of plausibility, for a rational way
to determine "what
is a good way to bet."
Radical Relativism [this
section is relevant mainly for questions about age, where young-earth proponents
claim that "young-earth and old-earth interpretations of the evidence
are equally valid, so a conclusion depends on what a scientist wants the
conclusion to be"]
Is one idea as good as another? An
extreme relativist claims that no idea is more worthy of acceptance than
any other idea. Usually, relativism about science is defended by arguing
that, when scientific theories are being evaluated, observation-based logic
is less important than cultural factors. But if theories are determined
mainly by culture, not logic, in a different culture our scientific theories
would be different. And we have relativism.
As with many ideas that seem extreme,
radical relativism begins on solid ground. Most scholars agree with its
two basic premises: the limits of logic and the influence of culture. But
there is plenty of disagreement about balance, about the relative contributions
of logic and culture in science, about how far a good idea can be extended
before it becomes a bad idea that is harmful to rationality
and society. ...
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