The Origin of Life
Originally, this was a "sampler" page with condensed
versions of ideas
scientific studies of origins questions. It was the first part of a
three-part overview. Together, this
page and Logical Evaluation
Neo-Darwinian Theories and Logical
Origins Education
provided an overview for many of my ideas
(but not all) about origins.
This introduction is in past tense (was,...) because the
page has been
condensed — mainly by omitting entire sections — and I
suggest that
you first read The Origin of Life: Is it a
test-case for naturalism?
to get an overview of the main themes.
This page contains:
1. The Science of Chemical Evolution (Part 1)
2. The Origin of Life as a Test Case for Naturalism
3. Closed Science and Open Science
4. What is a theory of Intelligent Design?
5. Can a theory of design be scientific?
6. The Science of Chemical Evolution (Part 2)
7. Can design be proved? What about future science?
8. Questions (not proof) and Freedom (not necessity)
Two Worlds Biological
Evolution (Shifting & Questions)
Testing for Design by using the logic of Mutual Exclusion
Realism & Theory Status Is
science a game with rules?
Two Theories for why we live in
a Just-Right Universe
The Science of Chemical Evolution (Part
An Origin of Life
by Chemical Evolution?
In an attempt to explain the origin
of life, scientists propose a two-stage process of natural chemical
1) formation of organic molecules, which
combine to make larger biomolecules;
2) self-organization of these molecules
into a living organism.
For each stage , scientists are learning
that what is required for life seems much
greater than what is possible by natural process. The
huge difference has motivated scientists to creatively construct new theories
for reducing requirements and enhancing possibilities, but none of these ideas
has progressed from speculation to plausibility.
Later, we'll return to scientific evidence-and-evaluation
in The Science of Chemical Evolution: Part 2 and Part 3. Before
then, we'll look at how scientific evaluation is affected by philosophy.
A Test-Case for Naturalism
For judging the depth of commitment
to naturalism — a belief that everything
in the history of nature happened by natural process — the origin of
life makes a fascinating test-case. To see why, let's compare three characteristics
of chemical evolution and biological evolution.
• Scientific Support? Current
theories about chemical evolution seem highly implausible, so the scientific
is very weak. But support is much stronger (although it is usually
overestimated due to a shifting of support) for biological
evolution, for a neo-Darwinian development of biocomplexity and biodiversity.
• Unifying Function? Most
scientists and educators think biological evolution — but not chemical
evolution — plays
an important unifying role in biology.
• Worldview Function? Both
types of evolution are necessary for a worldview of naturalism, for a universe
with a natural total evolution (astronomical,
chemical, and biological), with only normal-appearing natural process throughout
the entire history
of nature.
When we look at the origin of life, interesting
questions arise from an interesting combination, because chemical
is not supported by a logical evaluation of
and is not important for unifying
biological science,
• but is essential for a naturalistic worldview of "a universe
without miracles."
This is an opportunity for scientific
humility about naturalism. But instead of humbly acknowledging that
maybe life did not begin by natural process, so maybe a naturalistic worldview
is wrong, there are confident statements (by individuals and organizations,
in textbooks and websites) that chemical evolution definitely
did produce life, even though we don't yet know the details of how this happened.
Closed Science and Open Science
Methodological Naturalism
and Closed Science
Currently, most scientific inquiry is closed by methodological
naturalism (MN), a proposal to restrict the
freedom of scientists by requiring that they include only natural causes in their
scientific theories. In a closed science (restricted
by MN), evidence and logic are not the determining factors because the inevitable
conclusion — no matter what is being studied, or what is the evidence — must
be that "it happened by natural process."
we avoid the possibility of unavoidable error?
Is MN the best way to do science? Maybe
not. It depends on what actually happened in history. We should
ask, "Does the assumption match the reality?" because
a rigidly enforced MN will probably be scientifically useful IF there
is a match between "what MN assumes about the world" and "how
the world really is."
Imagine two possible worlds: one has a history
of nature with all events caused by natural process, while the other has a history
that includes both natural and non-natural events. When we ask, "Which
type of world do we live in?", we hope our science will help us, not hinder
us, in our search for truth. But in one of the two possible worlds, a closed
science (restricted by MN) must inevitably reach the wrong conclusion. By
contrast, in either world a non-MN science will allow, although it cannot guarantee,
reaching a correct conclusion.
Freedom of Open Science
Imagine that we're beginning our
search for truth with a logically justifiable attitude of humility, by
refusing to decide that we already know — with certainty, beyond
any doubt — what kind of world we live in. If we don't know
whether history has been all-natural, our best scientific strategy for
finding truth is an open science, with scientists
humbly asking a question instead of arrogantly assuming an answer.
In open science a scientist begins with
MN by assuming, consistent with MN, that "it happened by natural process." But
an open-thinking scientist is free to use both MN and non-MN modes of thinking
while logically evaluating the evidence, to consider a wider range of possibilities. A
scientist begins with an MN-assumption,
but does not insist that — no matter what the evidence indicates — it
is necessary to end with an MN-conclusion. An
open scientist adopts testable-MN instead of rigid-MN,
because the assumption of MN is treated as an assumption, as a theory to
be tested rather than a conclusion to be accepted. There is
flexible open-minded inquiry, with freedom of thought for the individual
and community, and scientists are free to follow the evidence-and-logic wherever
it leads. Each theory is evaluated based on its merit, and if a non-MN
conclusion is justified by the evidence, this is allowed.
Should science be
If we want science to be a search for truth, should
we define science as a search for NATURAL explanations, or a search for
LOGICAL explanations? Of course, when we ask "Should science be logical?",
everyone agrees that YES is the answer. But disagreements occur when we
ask "If there is a conflict between logical and natural,
which criterion should have higher priority?" If we want to
be logically rational, should we let methodological naturalism force us to accept
a "scientific" conclusion that
is less logical — and less likely to be true? — simply because it
is natural? For
Is evidence irrelevant?
To see the irrelevance of evidence when MN determines the
conclusion, compare the evidence-based implausibility (earned
by current theories for a "chemical evolution" origin of life) with
the naturalism-based confidence of the NAS in claiming
that "the question
is no longer whether life could have originated by chemical processes. ... the
question instead has become which of many pathways might have been followed to
produce the first cells." Yes, with MN the evidence is irrelevant. Even
though each of the "many pathways" is
implausible, one pathway must have produced life (because according
to MN this is the only possibility) so confidence does not require evidence. {
Words are carefully chosen by NAS to avoid technical falsity, since they say "could
have originated" and "might have been
followed." But the words are also chosen to clearly express
the claim that "the question is no longer" whether
it did occur naturally, the only question is how it occurred naturally.
Of course, the irrelevance of evidence
does not mean there is no evidence, or that MN is leading to the wrong conclusion. But
it does illustrate a logical weakness of MN, since MN requires that we must
reach a scientific conclusion before doing any science.
Bypass the
Process, Claim the Support
The Conclusion
of MN-Science — that no matter what is being studied, or what is
the evidence, it happened by natural process — is
actually The Assumption of MN. The circular logic of MN, which converts
a naturalistic assumption into a naturalistic conclusion, is illogical (because
circular logic is bad logic) yet is unavoidable, and it requires no science. But
instead of acknowledging this logical weakness of MN-Science, usually MN-Humility
is ignored and there is an implication that the assumption
made by MN (that it happened by natural process) is
a conclusion reached by science, and is therefore true. MN
provides a way to bypass the process of science and then claim the
authority of science as support.
For example, there is an implication that
the declaration by NAS (the National Academy of Sciences, speaking with authority
in the name of "science") is based on scientific evidence and
logic. But
the main reason for believing that life had a natural origin is not science. Instead,
is a naturalistic
assumption that everything had a natural origin.
Is a closed science
theologically acceptable?
For a Christian who believes that God can do miracles, as
claimed in the Bible, is a closed science (with MN forcing scientists to assume
that no miracles have occurred in the entire history of nature) theologically
acceptable? This question is examined in Section
is a theory of design?
If you receive a radio signal — 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,... — and you think "this long string of prime numbers probably was not produced by undirected natural process," you are proposing a theory of intelligent design.
To explain the origin of a feature
(an object, organism, system, situation,...) the only two possibilities are
and Design:
A. non-Design,
with undirected natural process producing the
feature (*);
B. Design (and
production) by an agent using design-directed
action that converts a design-idea into the reality of a designed
feature; more specifically, origin by design-action can be due to
Dn. design
(and construction) by a natural agent (a
human,...) using design-directed action.
Ds. design (and creation) by a
supernatural agent (God,...) using design-directed action, or
* Production
of a feature by what appears to be undirected natural
process (by what is commonly called non-design)
could be due to:
Ni) design-directed
action occurring at the beginning of history (in a design
of nature at the "initial instant of time") that
eventually results in production of a feature by undirected natural
Ns) a gentle guiding of
natural process by a supernatural agent, in design-directed
action that occurs during history but is not empirically
detectable (*),
Nu) a process that actually
is undesigned, undirected, and unguided.
Therefore, of the five
possibilities (Ds, Dn, Ni, Ns, Nu), four are DESIGN, and only one (Nu)
is non-DESIGN.
* An undirected process
(in Ni, Ns, or Nu) is not directed by agent-action. But
an undirected natural process, with no agent-action, is not necessarily totally
random with no direction. For example, natural selection
that is undirected can cause populations to change in directions that
are beneficial for survival, thus producing what Daniel Dennett calls "good
tricks" (for improved survival and reproduction) that can be similar
in different historical situations. / In 1B, with a "gentle
guiding of natural process," everything appears normal and natural
because the guidance blends smoothly with the usual workings of nature. Can
a guiding of natural process be detected? NO
and YES
Design (specific,
narrowly defined) and design (general, broadly defined)
For improved precision, I'll use words that are Capitalized and regular to
distinguish between Intelligent Design (defined
narrowly) and intelligent design (defined broadly).
In this page, and in most other contexts,
a Design theory is a claim that a feature
was produced by empirically detectable Design-directed
action during history (by Dn-or-Ds, with Design-action by
a natural agent or supernatural agent) rather than Ni (design of nature, which
is not during history), Ns (design-directed
guidance of natural process, which is not empirically
detectable), or Nu (which is not by design-directed
My definition of design is
broader; it includes Ds-or-Dn (Design) and also Ni and Ns (which are not
Design but are design). Therefore, of the five possibilities — Natural-initial
design (Ni), Natural-supernatural design (Ns), Detectable-supernatural
Design (Ds), Detectable-natural Design (Dn), and Natural-undesigned
(Nu) — four are design and only one (Nu) is non-design.
The table below shows the four types of DESIGN (in the three columns with a white YES) and the three questions that are used to define DESIGN (Does the production of a feature involve design-directed action?) and design (Does the design-action occur during history and is it empirically detectable?).
Design-action by natural agent Ni. design of natural process |
testing for Design and design: Using
my definitions, a feature was produced by either Design (Dn-or-Ds)
or non-Design (Ni, Ns, or Nu), so Design and
non-Design are mutually exclusive, and evidence
for one is evidence against the other. But design includes Design and
more, so evidence against Design (during
history and detectable, Dn-or-Ds) is not evidence against the other
two types of DESIGN, by design
before history (Ni) or by undetectable design-action (Ns).
Can a theory of design
be scientific?
Design is Testable
in Science
Design can be tested using scientific logic. How? When
we use the definitions above, design and non-design are mutually exclusive (it
was one or the other) so we can use eliminative logic: if non-design is highly
improbable, then design is highly probable. Thus, evidence against non-design
(against production of a feature by undirected natural process) is evidence for
design. And vice versa. {more about testing and
the logic of mutual exclusion} The evaluative status of non-design
(and thus design) can be decreased or increased by observable empirical evidence,
so a theory of design is empirically responsive and
is testable. Based on a logical evaluation
of evidence, we can conclude that a design theory is probably
true (if all non-design theories seem highly implausible) or is
probably false (if any non-design theory seems highly plausible). { But
can design be proved? What about future developments in science? }
Signs of Design
How do scientists detect design? By
using eliminative logic, as explained above. This logic can also
be described in terms of the characteristics (including complex
specified information) that typically are produced
by design-directed action, but not by undirected natural process. Scientists
have developed, and are continuing to develop, ways to recognize these signs
of design, which seem to occur only when a design-idea has been
actualized by design-action.
If we observe strong signs of design — such
as a long string of prime numbers, or circumstantial evidence for a
murder — we
can infer that design-directed action did occur, even if the agent and
action were not observed. Scientists can infer the existence of
an unobservable cause (an electron, a thought,
a volcano acting in the past, a person acting in the past,...) from the observable
effects it produces, in studies of current events or historical
events, with or without agent-action.
Can historical science
be scientific?
The methods used in design are similar
to methods used in historical sciences like geology, archaeology, evolutionary
biology, and astronomy. Many arguments against design are also
arguments against every historical science. But scientists have
developed methods for coping with the limitations of historical data,
and historical science can be authentically scientific. The same
principles of scientific logic are used in both operations
science (to study the current operation of nature, what is happening
now) and historical science (to study the
previous operation of nature, what happened in the past).
A historical theory can include
proposals for agent-action in history. In some historical situations,
only undirected natural process was involved, so a mechanistic
explanatory theory (which usually is related to mechanistic
theories in operations science) is adequate. In other historical
situations, what happened was affected by the decisions and actions
of an agent. This introduces an element of unpredictability when
making predictions, but this is acceptable because in a descriptive
theory a historical scientist (in anthropology, archaeology,
history, sociology, psychology, or forensics; or in geology, biology,
paleontology, or astronomy) only has to determine what did occur,
not predict what will occur. And in an agency
explanatory theory, proposing that "agent action was involved" is
part of the scientific explanation.
Design is Common in
In science, theories of design
are common. In every design investigation, scientists ask the same
question: If we assume a uniformity of natural
process, was undirected natural process sufficient to produce
what we observe? Sometimes
the answer is "probably not," and design-action is proposed to explain
a wide variety of features such as bird nests, ant hills, predator-prey events,
paintings on a cave wall, metal satellites in orbit, and faces on Mount Rushmore. A
design theory is proposed — for example, when a crime detective concludes
that "this death occurred by murder, not natural causes" — when
an inference that "design-directed action did occur" can be justified
based on a logical evaluation of evidence.
Design is common in science,
and most design theories are judged on their scientific merit. But
some are controversial, as explained later.
What difference will
it make?
Although design might significantly
affect philosophy of science, probably it
will have little impact on the overall productivity
of science, because most areas of science are not affected by
controversial claims for design. But in several historical areas — including
origins of the universe, first life, and complex life — scientific
analysis shows that design deserves to be accepted, not as the only possible
explanation, but as a potentially plausible explanation that is worthy
of serious consideration and further development. The potential
of design theories to make valuable scientific contributions should be
recognized and welcomed.
Will it be scientifically
Perhaps the search by Closed Science (restricted
by a rigid methodological naturalism) is occasionally
futile, like trying to explain how the faces on Mt Rushmore were produced by
natural processes such as erosion. If scientists are restricted by an assumption
that is wrong (that does not correspond with historical reality) the finest creativity
and logic will fail to find the true origin of the faces.
Occasionally, perhaps MN is forcing scientists
into a futile search, like a man who is diligently looking for missing keys
in the kitchen when the keys are sitting on a table on the front porch. No
matter how hard he searches the kitchen, he won't find the keys because they
aren't there! On the other hand, if the keys really are in the kitchen,
they probably will be found by someone who believes "the keys are in the
kitchen" and is diligently searching there, not by a skeptic.
Perseverance and Flexibility: How
is scientific productivity affected by attitude? In the complex blend
that generates productive thinking, "There can
be a tension between contrasting virtues, such as persevering by tenacious
hard work, or flexibly deciding to explore new theories that may be more
productive in a search for truth. A problem solver may need to dig
deeper, so perseverance is needed; but sometimes the key to a solution
is to dig in a new location, and flexibility will pay off." {from Productive
Thinking: Creative and Critical }
If you get stuck while trying to solve
a problem, you must decide
whether to continue in the direction you're going or change course. |
PERSEVERANCE is needed, and you should DIG DEEPER: |
FLEXIBILITY is needed, so you should DIG ELSEWHERE: |
![]() |
![]() |
Should scientists dig
deeper in the same location, or dig in a new location? Should
they search the kitchen or porch? The answer is YES if we notice
that one word is wrong, if we replace "or" with "and" because
we refuse to remain trapped in narrow thinking. Instead of thinking
that we must make an either-or choice, we should search both kitchen and
porch, we should dig deeper and in new locations, as suggested in open science. We
can adopt a humble attitude "by refusing to decide
that we already know with certainty... what kind of world we live in."
Is a claim for design a science-stopper? No,
this simplistic "slippery slope" argument is based on restrictive
either-or thinking, and is unrealistic because most scientists will continue
their non-design
research — probably with renewed vigor because they are responding to
a challenge — when they hear a claim that "maybe a non-design explanation
doesn't exist." And proponents
of design want non-design research to continue so we can learn more, so
we can more accurately evaluate the merits of non-design and design, because
the goal is to find truth. They want to supplement non-design
research, not replace it. They want to stimulate productive action and
critical thinking, with invigorating debates between critics of a theory and
its loyal defenders. And this type of
scientific stimulation did
due to
Michael Behe's claims
for irreducible
complexity in 1996.
Will design theories be productive in helping us achieve the goals of science? Most scholars who have examined the issues in detail think this question, which is discussed in the subsections above and below, is the most important question. {an example of scholarly consensus}
Does it violate The
A basic design theory does not propose supernatural action,
but does acknowledge this as a possibility, so a design theory violates a rigid
methodological naturalism and thus, according to some people, it violates "the
rules of science."
Is science a game with rules? This
is an interesting perspective. In terms of sociology, regarding interpersonal
dynamics and institutional structures, it is an idea with merit. But
it seems less impressive and less appealing when we think about functional
logic and the cognitive goals of science. It seems more logical to view
science as an activity with goals (which include
searching for truth) rather than a game with rules (which
include the restrictions imposed by rigid-MN).
Let's compare "cheating" in
sports, business, and science. In a Strong Man Contest, if other contestants
carry a refrigerator on their backs, one man should not be allowed to move
it using a two-wheel cart because this is not useful for achieving the goal
of the game, for determining who is the strongest man. But if the goal
of a business is to move refrigerators quickly, many times during the day,
a two-wheeler is useful.
Although it isn't the only goal, for
most scientists the main goal of science is finding truth about nature. But
a rigid-MN might lead to unavoidable false conclusions. When
some scientists recognize this and they decide to reject the dogma of rigid-MN
by adopting testable-MN, is it cheating or wisdom? Is a rigid-MN always
useful in our search for truth? {more about Science
as a Game}
When is critical thinking
Scientists have proposed many theories
about chemical evolution. When supporters of one theory point out
the weakness in other theories, their critical thinking is welcomed and
is published in scientific journals. What would make this critical
thinking unscientific? a claim that a natural formation of life
is extremely improbable, and maybe impossible? a perception (by
others) that this claim implies a non-natural cause? an explicit
proposal for a non-natural cause? Is there any limit to the severity
of criticism before it becomes unscientific? If all non-design
theories are criticized and there is a proposal for design-directed action,
is this unscientific? If severe criticism is accompanied by a proposal
for a naturalistic theory, does this make it scientific?
In closed science, a scientist
can admit that "we are far from finding the answer," but
cannot suggest that "maybe there is no natural answer." Is
this wise? In a scientific search for truth, is it useful to
insist — consistent with the restrictions of a rigid Closed Science — that
we must control the thinking of scientists by removing their freedom
to think that "maybe..."? Or should we allow open inquiry,
with individual and communal freedom of thought, with scientists being
free to follow the evidence and logic wherever it leads? { Is
it easy to have critical
thinking in closed science? }
is it controversial? (Is it because of
science or religion?)
Since design theories, which are common in science, can
be evaluated using the logical methods of science, why are there any doubts about
whether a design theory can be scientific? Usually there are no doubts,
and most design theories are judged on their scientific merit. But some
people claim that some design theories should be excluded from science. Why?
Concerns about design occur when design-action
seems unfamiliar. In some situations the action and agent are familiar
(as when a beaver builds a dam, or humans make faces on Mount Rushmore) but in
other cases the design-action is unfamiliar and it could be either natural (for
example, if space aliens produced designed features by using their unfamiliar
advanced technologies)
in Biblical
miracles). For most opponents of design, questions occur when design-action
is unfamiliar and it could be supernatural. In these situations the main
a common claim is that a design theory
is a
theory. Is this claim justified?
For any question about design, in any
area (radioastronomy, homicide, origins,...), we can view the scientific inquiry
as a two-stage
process: first we ask "Was there design-directed action?", and
then we investigate the details. A basic design theory claims
only that design-directed action did occur (the first stage) but does not try
to explain the details (who, why, how,...) of design-and-production. Of
course, we should evaluate a design theory based on what it does claim (that
design occurred) instead of what it does not claim (that it can explain
the details).
In origins, a design theory is not a
creation theory. A basic design theory can be supplemented with details
(about the designer's identity and actions, about who, why, how,...) to form
a variety of theories about supernatural creation (by
God or...) or natural non-creation (as in a theory
proposing that evolution on earth was intelligently designed and directed by
space aliens who evolved before us). A design theory — which does
not propose divine action, but does acknowledge it as a possibility — does
not try to distinguish between creation and non-creation. Instead, a design
theory just claims that "design-directed action did occur."
A basic (non-supplemented) design theory
is limited to claims that can be scientifically evaluated. In a Response
to Critics, Michael Behe explains: "Most people
(including myself) will attribute the design to God, based in part on other,
non-scientific judgments they have made. ... From a scientific point of view,
the question [who is the designer?] remains open. ... The biochemical evidence
strongly indicates design, but does not show who the designer was." As
a person, Behe says "I think the designer was God." But as
a scientist, he says "the
evidence doesn't show who the designer was."
analogy and consistency (in design
and non-design)
analogy: We can view a naturalistic
theory of non-design (such as chemical evolution or neo-Darwinian biological
evolution) as being mainly religious — because
it supports deism or theism (if a clever design of nature seems to be necessary
for it to happen) or atheism (if it seems to make God unnecessary) — or
as mainly scientific even though it can have some
religious implications. Similarly, we can view a design theory as being mainly
religious or mainly scientific. In
open-minded science, a scientist uses evidence and logic to evaluate "mere
science" theories (such as mere evolution or mere
design) that are considered, during a process of objective evaluation,
to be mainly scientific with minimal religious implications.
consistency: Supporters of non-design
and design should ask themselves, "Are we being objective and logically
consistent in our views of their theory and our theory, or are we trying to
make ourselves look more scientifically rational by claiming that their theory
is mainly religious, and our theory is mainly scientific?"
Should you examine
it more carefully?
Although arguments for excluding design
from science make good cartoons and
one-line slogans, the arguments seem less logical when you look
more closely. Can
design be scientific? If you want to explore this question in more
depth, another page describes
the arguments, analyzes them logically, and concludes that "the
The main part of this page ends by looking at current science and future
The Science of Chemical Evolution (Part
In an attempt to explain the
origin of carbon-based life on earth, conventional naturalistic theories of chemical
evolution propose two stages in the transformation of lifeless chemicals
into life: 1) the formation of small organic molecules, which then combine
to form larger biomolecules; 2) the self-organization of these molecules
into a primitive living organism.
Despite initial optimism following the famous
Miller-Urey experiments in 1953, closer investigations have revealed major
that have not been solved (and perhaps cannot be solved) in both stages of
the proposed scenario:
In the first stage, chemical equilibria
are usually unfavorable (they are "energetically uphill") for the
formation of small biomolecules and also for their synthesis into larger biomolecules. During
experiments in which there is a realistic simulation of the atmosphere on an
early earth — using the probable starting molecules (H2O, plus
N2 and CO2 which are stable and unreactive) instead of the improbable starting
materials (H2O, plus reactive NH3 and "explosive" H2 and CH4) in
the reducing atmosphere used for the Miller-Urey experiments — the
yields of essential biomolecules are extremely low.
Even if biomolecules could form in Stage
1, these lifeless chemicals would have reached only the starting point for
most challenging part of their journey toward life in Stage 2. The simplest
"living system" we can imagine, involving hundreds of components
interacting in an organized way to achieve energy production and self-replication,
be extremely difficult to assemble by undirected natural process. And
all of this self-organization would have to occur before natural selection
depends on self-replication) was available.
Basically, what scientists are learning
is that the complexity required for life
(in terms of biomolecule formation and self-organization) seems to be much
greater than
the complexity available by natural process
(beginning with lifeless matter). This huge difference has motivated
scientists to stretch their imaginations, to creatively construct new theories
for reducing
requirements and enhancing possibilities.
For example, in an effort to avoid a "chicken
and egg" problem — in modern cells, DNA is required for protein synthesis,
but protein is required for DNA synthesis — scientists have proposed that
(which combines the replicating ability of DNA and the catalytic activity of
proteins) was the key life-producing molecule in the earliest cells. But
this "RNA World" theory now seems implausible due to the apparent
impossibility of pre-biological RNA synthesis, and because the catalytic
of RNA have not matched initial optimistic hopes. In response, scientists
are now proposing "pre-RNA World" theories with key functional roles
played by other molecules, and with metabolic energy sources that would be
to use.
Other alternatives include variations on
the classic "soup" scenario, with new environments such as a semi-evaporated
pond, a seafloor hydrothermal vent, the surface of a clay-like mineral, or
another planet. Or the first life in the universe might have been
different than familiar carbon-based life on earth.
Scientists are trying to develop principles
for a prebiological selection of molecules, analogous to the biological selection
of genes in living organisms. And they are continuing to explore the
self-organizing properties of complex chemical systems, and to search for ways
of reducing
minimal complexity required for a living system.
What is the status of these alternative
So far, none has progressed from speculation to plausibility. But they
do stimulate experimental and theoretical research, and offer the hope that
eventually scientists may discover new principles to serve as the basis for
new theories, and may develop a plausible explanation. But the major
reasons to question chemical evolution come from what we do know about
and life, not from our lack of knowledge.
There is also a more detailed version of this section.
Irreducible Complexity
and Minimal Complexity
In Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical
Challenge to Evolution (1996), Michael Behe illustrates the principle of irreducible
complexity with a mousetrap that has five interacting parts: a base,
hammer, spring, catch, and holding bar. Each part is necessary, and there
is no function unless all parts are present. A trap with only four parts
has no practical function. It doesn't just catch mice poorly, it doesn't
catch them at all.
What are the evolutionary implications? Behe
says, "An irreducibly complex system cannot be
produced directly... by slight, successive modifications of a precursor system,
because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a
part is by definition nonfunctional. An irreducibly complex biological
system, if there is such a thing, would be a powerful challenge to Darwinian
evolution." (Darwin's Black Box, page 39)
For a nonliving system, the implications
are even more challenging, because natural selection — which is the main
mechanism of Darwinian evolution — cannot exist until a system can reproduce. For
the origin of life, we can think about the minimal
complexity that would be required for reproduction and other basic life-functions. Most
scientists think this would require hundreds of biomolecular parts, not just
the five parts in a simple mousetrap.
Although "design
and non-design are mutually exclusive" a design theory does
not claim that non-design is impossible and design is certain,
it only claims that design seems more probable, based on scientific
evidence and logic. {one reason we cannot be certain} This
type of probability-based conclusion is consistent with the logic of science
in which proof is always impossible, even
though scientists can develop a logically justified
confidence in the truth or falsity of a theory. In science,
a high level of confidence (not proof) is the goal when scientists evaluate
a theory to determine whether
it is worthy of acceptance.
If a design theory claims only to be "more
probable" or to warrant "a high level of confidence" this
is the standard by which it should be judged. It seems unreasonable
for critics of design to demand — along with radical postmodern critics
who challenge the credibility of all science — that if scientists cannot
claim the certainty of proof, they should claim nothing. {a
continuum of theory status}
Is it
rational to consider all possibilities?
All current theories for a natural
origin of carbon-based life seem highly implausible. Is
it rational for scientists to consider the possibility that life on earth
did not originate by undirected natural process, but was the result of
design-directed action? The certainty of "proof" is impossible
because we can never propose and test all possibilities for non-design. But
we could develop a logically justified confidence that our search has been
thorough yet futile, and no promising approaches remain unexplored.
Logic requires that, during
any intellectually rigorous attempt to explain the origin of an observed
feature, scientists
should consider all possibilities. Perhaps a feature, such as the
first carbon-based life in the universe, was produced by undirected
natural process that: 1w)
did occur even though it was extremely improbable (and
therefore it should be rejected as a scientifically plausible explanation, *); or
maybe the natural process was reasonably probable (so
we could reasonably expect it to occur in the available times-and-places *) and
it can be described in a satisfactory way by a naturalistic theory that 1x) is
currently known (whether or not this theory currently seems adequate)
or 1y) could be known in the future,
or 1z) could never be known because
the natural process was too complex or cognitively unfamiliar for humans to
propose. Or maybe the feature was produced by design-directed
by 2A) natural design and construction,
or 2B) supernatural design and creation.
* In any scientific
evaluation the "probabilistic
recources" must be considered. For example, in one five-card deal
the odds of getting a royal flush are low, 1 in 649,740. If 9 hands are
dealt, the odds of getting a royal flush (in any of the hands) is still low,
about 1 in 72,000. But the probabilities are very different if there are
9 million deals, with the odds becoming a million-to-one in favor of getting
at least one royal flush.
1w* One
speculative theory, which is designed to neutralize all types of DESIGN-claims
(for either a design of nature
or design-action during
proposes that if
an immense number of universes exist, then even the extremely
improbable — such as a universe with properties of nature that naturally
allow life and also produce life — will become
highly probable. Earlier, the DESIGN-and-design
Table included
a "?" to indicate
that, when we're trying to explain our "just right" universe,
currently we cannot scientifically distinguish between two
theories: an
universes with no design, and a design
of the universe(s).
Due to possibilities for a future
theory (1y) or no theory (1w, 1w*, or 1z), the implausibility of current
non-design theories doesn't prove the truth of design. And if scientists
want to deny design (as a possibility to seriously consider) they can
do it forever, no matter how advanced their science becomes. For
example, imagine a scientific community with trillions of super-intelligent
space aliens (IQ = 20,000) each having a life span of a billion years,
devoted to science (and using high-speed travel to explore a variety
of environments throughout the universe) for the past 5 billion years,
who have not yet constructed a plausible theory for a natural origin
of life. Even in this situation a denial of design would be possible,
but would it be rational?
In the near future, however,
the actual state of human knowledge will remain much less advanced than
imaginary super-science. And critics of design will point out,
with some justification, the reasons for cautious humility when making
claims for design. Regarding the implausibility of current theories,
defenders of non-design say, "please be patient and eventually our
improved scientific knowledge will make non-design seem more plausible." But
is this assumption necessarily true? Compared with fifty two years
ago (when the Miller-Urey experiments were "hot news" that inspired
optimism about naturalistic theories) now we know more about "origin
of life"
and what
we've learned has made
of life
not more
What might happen
in the future of science?
Even though advocates of non-design
imply that future science will support their claims, the change in
support could go either way, up or down. Will non-design seem
more plausible because we have discovered how a feature could have
produced by
undirected natural process? Or will it seem less plausible because
we have learned more about the limits of natural process? Either
of these results could occur.
In fact, both changes have occurred in the history of research
about chemical evolution. Compared with 1952, in 1953 our plausibility
estimates for a natural origin of life were higher because the Miller-Urey experiments
had converted inorganic chemicals into small biomolecules. Many scientists
optimistically assumed that we would soon discover a natural production of large
biomolecules that would transform themselves into a simple reproducing cell which
could then evolve and increase in complexity. Since then, however, the
warm glow of optimism has been cooled by the harsh reality of improved scientific
knowledge. The distance between what is naturally possible (before life)
and what is necessary (for life) seems much greater now than in 1953. An
increase in knowledge has made a natural origin of life seem less plausible,
and this has strengthened the scientific support for a theory of design. In
the future, if our knowledge continues to improve, and if a natural origin of
life continues to seem highly implausible, a claim for design will become even
more strongly supported.
In the future, what will happen in science, and how will this affect
the status of non-design and design? When thinking about this, we can use
our imaginations to predict improvements in current theories and inventions
of new theories. And we can use current knowledge to guide our questions. Most
of the skepticism about current theories of chemical evolution is based on what
we know, and this knowledge can help us ask specific questions. We can
look at each obstacle to a natural origin of life — such as the unfavorable
chemical reactions needed for making biomolecules, the high degree of biocomplexity
needed for metabolism and reproduction,... — and try to imagine ways in
which future knowledge might change our views about each obstacle. We can
ask, "How likely is each change?" and "How would it affect our
evaluations for a natural origin of life?"
To make good predictions about future
scientific developments, we need creativity (to imagine what could be) plus
criticality (to make realistic predictions about what is probable in reality,
not just possible in our imaginations) so we can avoid the extremes of insisting
that in this area of science "nothing new will happen" or "anything
could happen."
Should we ask the
Design cannot be proved, but in
science the goal is logically justified confidence, not certainty. In
the near future, scientists will disagree about the plausibility of design. But
this is not a cause for concern, because disagreement is healthy for
science when it stimulates productive thinking and research by advocates
for different points of view. And the points of view should
include design. When we ask, "Was design-action involved in
producing this feature?", it will be impossible to answer with certainty. But
it should be easy to decide, "Should we ask the question?" A
curious, open-minded community will say "YES, we want our science
to be flexible and open to inquiry."
8A. Scientific
Questions (but
not Proof)
Here are some ideas, both old
(from earlier in this page) and new, about evaluating
theories of design and non-design:
In a closed science that is restricted
by methodological naturalism, the inevitable conclusion — no matter what
is being studied, or what is the evidence — must be that "it happened
by natural process." .....
But in one of two possible worlds [totally
natural, or mostly natural] a closed science (restricted by MN) must inevitably
the wrong conclusion about some questions. By contrast, in either world
a non-MN science will allow, although it cannot guarantee, reaching correct
conclusions. ...
If we don't know whether history has
been all-natural, our best scientific strategy for finding truth is an open
science... [in which] a scientist begins with an MN-assumption [that "it
happened by natural process"] but does not insist that — no matter
what the evidence indicates — it is necessary to end with an MN-conclusion. An
open scientist adopts testable-MN instead of rigid-MN,
with the assumption of MN treated as an assumption, as a theory to
be tested rather than a conclusion to be accepted. There is flexible
open-minded inquiry, with freedom of thought for the individual and community,
and scientists
are free to follow the evidence-and-logic wherever it leads. .....
Because design and non-design
are mutually exclusive (it was one or the
other) we can use eliminative
if non-design
improbable, then design is highly probable. Thus, evidence against non-design
(against production of a feature by undirected natural process) is evidence for
design, and
versa,... so
of design is empirically responsive and is testable.
In closed science, a scientist can admit
that "we are far from finding the answer," but cannot suggest that "maybe
there is no natural answer."... But in a scientific search for truth,
is it useful to insist that we must control the thinking of scientists by removing
their freedom to think that "maybe..."?
In Section 7, I
ask you to "imagine
a scientific community with trillions of super-intelligent space aliens...
who have not yet constructed a plausible theory for a natural origin of
life." And I ask, "Even
in this situation a denial of design would be possible, but would it be
Maybe. In
a rational open science, a design theory is evaluated in two ways, in terms
of scientific evidence and theory interpretation.
• Scientific Evaluation of
a theory: First, we use evidence-and-logic to evaluate each current
non-design theory for plausibility, and we use creativity (to imagine what
could be)
plus criticality
(to make realistic predictions about what is probable in reality, not just
possible in our imaginations) in an effort to predict improvements
in current theories and inventions of new theories.
• Philosophical Interpretation
of a theory: Second, based on a wide range of scientific and nonscientific
criteria (including worldviews) we think about the possibilities for how a
feature was produced: 1w (an event of low probability), 1w* (if events with
apparently low probability are in reality highly probable because there are
so many universes), 1x (a current naturalistic theory is approximately true),
1y (a future naturalistic theory will be approximately true), 1z (a naturalistic
theory is true, but we will never propose and accept it), 2A (natural design
and construction), or 2B (supernatural design and creation). All of these
are logically possible, but — based on our
interpretations (which are based on scientific and nonscientific logic, plus
personal experience and values) — do we think they are equally
In both evaluation and interpretation,
we should recognize that "proof is
always impossible, even though scientists can develop a logically
justified confidence in the truth or falsity of a theory. ... If
a design theory claims only to be 'more probable' or to warrant 'a high level
of confidence' this is the
standard by which it should be judged. It seems unreasonable for critics
of design to demand — along with radical postmodern critics who challenge
the credibility of all science — that if scientists cannot claim the
certainty of proof, they should claim nothing." We should
want to be appropriately humble by avoiding the
extremes of arrogant overconfidence (in claiming too much) or timidly
overcautious relativism (in claiming too little) and not descending
into aggressive postmodern skepticism about the futility of logic and the
illusion of reliable conclusions in science.
Should we ask the
question? Design cannot be proved, but in science the goal is logically
justified confidence and a high degree of plausibility, not certainty. ... When
we ask, "Was design-action involved in producing this feature?",
it will be impossible to answer with certainty. But it should be easy
to decide, "Should we ask the question?" A curious,
open-minded community will say "YES, we want our science to be flexible
and open to inquiry."
Section 8A was motivated by a similar suggestion for "science plus interpretation" by Loren Haarsma in Science and Miracles.
Scientific Freedom (instead
of Necessity)
necessity: An atheist (or an agnostic who wants to
remain agnostic) has no options and no scientific freedom, since only one conclusion
is acceptable: some type of natural total evolution somewhere
in the universe, with no action by God.
freedom: By contrast, a Judeo-Christian
theist has a wide range of options — in the many variations of theistic
evolution (chemical and/or biological), old-earth
creation (this is my view), or young-earth
creation — and is free to follow the evidence and logic
of science wherever it leads.
Does it matter? (Part
Theologically, does it matter whether the first life began
by natural process or miracle? Not much, as far as I'm concerned, because
I think that:
• a devout Christian with sound
theology can believe that God designed the universe so life would naturally
arise (in chemical evolution) and then evolve (in biological evolution), with
this natural formative history followed by a salvation
history (as recorded in the Bible) in which God used a combination of
natural process and miracles.
• criticizing theistic evolution
by implying that "since atheists must be evolutionists, evolutionists
must be atheists" is not logical, for the same reason that "all
dogs are animals" cannot be reversed to show that "all animals
are dogs."
• the evaluation of a design
theory for the origin of life is an interesting scientific question that
has some theological implications, but concluding that "detectable
design-action did occur" is not necessary for sound theology. But
I think that some DESIGN-action was theologically necessary. { What
is the difference between design and DESIGN? } What
human characteristics (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) did
God want us to have, and how flexible were His goals? I think a creation
of humans by unguided natural process would not be theologically adequate
to achieve the goals of God, but a creation by natural process that was
divinely guided (but was not directed in
a detectable way) could be adequate.
Nonscientific Motivations
and Scientific Evaluations: Even if a theory of design (or non-design)
is motivated by a desire to show that "God did it" (or "God
didn't do it"), our recognition of this motivation should not influence
our theory evaluations. We should recognize the religious (or anti-religious)
beliefs that may be motivating scientists to propose a theory, persuade other
scientists about its plausibility and utility, and hope it is true, but these
nonscientific motivations don't indicate that the theory is false or is nonscientific.
Recognize and Minimize: Scientists
are influenced by cultural-personal
factors that include personal desires, group pressures, philosophical
or religious views, and cultural thinking habits. In my opinion, we should recognize the
influence of cultural-personal factors, and — in an effort to make science
more effective in a search for truth — we should try to minimize the
influence of these factors. One way to minimize nonscientific influences
is to make science more open, allowing theory evaluation to be based on evidence
and logic, not rules that can bypass the process of science
and make evidence irrelevant.
it matter? (Part 2)
My views
are explained more thoroughly in a page about Theistic
Evolution (Evolutionary Creation) & Theology that includes these topics:
A natural process is
just a normal-appearing process. A theist believes that God designed
and created nature, and constantly sustains nature, so natural does
not mean "without God." And natural does not mean "without
control" because God can guide nature so one natural result occurs instead
of another natural result.
When scientists discover that
natural properties are "just right" for important natural
processes, a theist proposes that God is responsible for this clever
design of nature. But this does not "prove" that
God designed the universe, and to explain a universe that is "just
right" for life there are two currently plausible
theories: a single universe (that was designed), or an immense
number of universes (that may or may not be designed).
"Why isn't God
more obvious? Why
is there any evidence... that might lead some rational people to propose "atheistic
evolution" as an explanation? Perhaps..... Or maybe..... Or
maybe a "veiling of miracles" during the creation process is one aspect of
a state of uncertainty intended by God, who seems to prefer a balance of evidence,
with enough logical reasons to either believe or disbelieve, so... we have
freedom to choose what we really want, and an opportunity to develop the "living
by faith" character that is highly valued by God, with a trust in God serving
as the foundation for all thoughts and actions in daily living."
A methodological naturalism (assuming
that "it happened by natural process" while doing science) differs
from philosophical naturism (claiming
that only nature exists) in two ways: methodological is not philosophical,
and naturalism is not naturism. Therefore, I think MN is theologically
acceptable, and can be viewed in two rational ways by Christians:
In one view, described in Section 8A,
a Christian begins a scientific investigation with MN (by assuming it happened
by natural process) but considers this naturalistic assumption to be a theory
that can be tested instead of a conclusion that must be accepted. In
another view, a Christian accepts MN (and also MN-humility by acknowledging
the possibility of unavoidable error) but considers MN-science to be only
one aspect of a broader "search for truth" that considers all possibilities,
including miracles.
both views, a Christian believes that natural process was designed by God,
is sustained by God, and can be guided by God, so "natural" does
not mean "without God", and a naturalistic explanation does
not increase the plausibility of atheistic naturism.
With either view a controversial
theory (involving unfamiliar design-action) can be evaluated
using the methods of science (using reality-checks based on evidence and logic)
about whether this scientific logic occurs inside or outside
science, because a design
theory — which does not propose that a supernatural miracle has occurred,
deny that this may have occurred — may violate
What does "God of the gaps" mean? When
current naturalistic theories seem implausible, is this science
gap due to the inadequacy of current science, or does it indicate
a nature
gap (a break in the continuous chain of natural process) that was
bridged by miraculous-appearing theistic action? Sometimes, a theory
proposing a nature gap is ridiculed by calling it a "God of
the gaps" theory. I think this term should be eliminated
from our vocabulary because it is imprecise and confusing, since it could refer
to four different views: biblically justifiable criticisms (of an "always
in the gaps" or "only in the gaps" view) or a biblically unjustifiable
criticism (of a "gaps are possible" view), or a theory (claiming "a
gap did occur") that should be logically evaluated.
Another Perspective
on Two Worlds
The "two worlds" example
is borrowed
from Paul Nelson. Before hearing his "imaginary concrete illustration," I
the same ideas in
logic: Probably MN will be useful if its assumptions
are true, if there is a match between "what MN assumes about the world" and "how
the world really is." IF the history of the universe really has included
only natural process, then MN is correctly assuming an all-natural history, and
MN will be useful because it helps scientists avoid being distracted by false
theories about non-natural events. But IF non-natural events really did
occur during history, the premise of MN is false, and MN will be harmful when
it inevitably forces scientists to reach some false conclusions.
Biological Evolution
6C: Shifting of Support
evolution-shifting: Often, support is illogically
shifted from a strongly supported meaning of evolution (such as basic "old
earth" progressions in the fossil record, or micro-E changes that occur
in drug-resistant bacteria and finch beaks) to a less strongly supported meaning
(like Total Macro-E with a natural evolution, from bacteria to humans, of all
creation-shifting: Often, scientific
evidence against young-earth creation is illogically shifted onto old-earth
creation, and the important scientific differences between two old-earth
theories (independent
creation and genetic modification) are ignored.
With an evolution-shift the
implied support for evolution increases, and with a creation-shift the
implied support for creation decreases. But in each case the shift
(and associated implication) is not logically justified.
This section [from my Overview of
Origins Questions] builds on the foundation of 6A (The Many Meanings
of Evolution) and 6B (The Many
of Creation). Principles
for avoiding illogical shifts are examined in The
Process of Logically Evaluating Origins Theories.
Questions about Evolution
We should critically evaluate the plausibility
of an extrapolation from micro-E through minor macro-E (such as a speciation
that occurs due to an evolution of reproductive barriers between otherwise
similar species) to Total Macro-E by asking "How many mutations and
how much selection would be required, how long would this take, and how probable
is it?"
Another important question is
whether systems that seem irreducibly complex could be produced
in a step-by-step process of neo-Darwinian evolution.
Testing for Design (by
using the logic of Mutual Exclusion)
When theories of design and non-design
are carefully defined they are mutually exclusive. Similarly,
DESIGN and non-DESIGN are mutually exclusive. As shown below, two sets
of categories — either non-design and design (this set is most important
in science) or non-DESIGN and DESIGN (this set is theologically important) — will "cover
Because non-design and design are mutually exclusive, either one or the other must occur, so together their probabilities add to 100 percent. The table below shows the relationship that allows design to be tested by testing for non-design. For example, if the estimated probability of a non-design cause decreases from 20% to 10%, the estimated probability of design increases from 80% to 90%.
%-probability of non-design
%-probability of design
sum of %-probabilities
The two shaded regions are a reminder that the 100%-certainty of "proof" or "disproof" are impossible in science, and are not the goal in science.
we observe a guiding of natural process? (no and yes)
For various reasons, sometimes
an agent wants design-action to be undetectable, as with the design-directed
action of an illusionist (entertainment magician) who "directs" things
in a way that is difficult to detect, or a criminal, plastic surgeon, or
the special effects of a movie-maker, or when God "guides" natural
process. Why
isn't God more
In my definitions: a directing of
natural process can be
detected, in principle and usually in practice, IF the observational data
is adequate and our logic is skillful; "natural" is "normal
appearing", so (by definition) the guiding of
a natural-appearing event cannot be detected. But...
Sometimes a series of undetectable
events can become detectable, as in this example: If you pick the winning
number for a roulette wheel once,
it looks natural. But what if the wheel is guided by God so you win 20
row? Each event appears natural, but the overall process (with 20 events)
does not
to be
undirected natural process, and most observers will think "the wheel was
Perhaps some biological complexity
was created when God combined many individually undetectable "guided
events" to
a desired-and-designed overall
result that can be scientifically detected — if the data is sufficient
and is skillfully analyzed — when we observe an increase of genetic information
(and biological complexity) that could not be produced, with a reasonable probability,
by undirected natural process. If this occurred, would we categorize the
as 1B
(undetectable) or 2B (detectable)?
This type of doubt — when we
wonder "is
have we detected it?" — is one reason, among others, that scientists
cannot prove design
or non-design.
Complex Specified
A prominent design theorist, William
Dembski, suggests using the concept of complex specified
information when thinking about signs of design. A short string
of prime numbers (like "2 3 5") is not complex, so it could easily
occur by chance. A long string of random numbers is complex, but is
not "specified" because
has no
pattern. But a long
string of prime numbers is complex and (due to its conceptual functionality)
is specified, and it contains functional information.
{ soon, I'll link
more thorough explanation
science a game with rules?
To answer this question, we'll compare "cheating" in
sports and in science. Is it useful — as suggested by some critics
of design — to view science as an intellectual game played with a set
of rules, which include MN, that are established by tradition, approved by
consensus in the scientific community, and enforced by funding agencies, journal
editors, and hiring committees?
This is an interesting perspective. In
terms of sociology, regarding interpersonal dynamics and institutional structures,
it is an idea with merit. But it seems much less impressive and less
appealing when we think about functional logic and the cognitive goals of science,
when we acknowledge the distinction between games and reality.
The practical value of restrictive rules
is different in a game and in reality. To illustrate, consider the
Strong Man contests televised by ESPN. During these competitions, I've
seen men tow a semi-truck, and carry a refrigerator on their backs.
For the game, if one competitor wanted
to hook the semi to a tow truck or strap the refrigerator to a two-wheeler,
this would be cheating. It would provide an unfair advantage and
would not help in achieving the goal of the game: determining who is the
strongest man. In this context, the rule about "no mechanical
help" is useful.
But for reality, for accomplishing
a practical goal, the same rule might not be useful. If the real-life
goal of a business is to move vehicles or refrigerators quickly, over and
over throughout the day, using tow trucks or two-wheelers is a more effective
strategy than asking a person to do all the work.
It is obvious that a restrictive rule
which is useful in the context of an artificial game — such as requiring
that a heavy object must be moved by a human without mechanical help — may
not be useful in real life for accomplishing practical goals. When
this principle is applied to science, it seems more rational to view science
as an activity with goals, rather than a
game with rules. Then we can ask whether the restrictions
imposed by MN will make scientists more effective in pursuing and achieving
the goals of science. More specifically, we can ask "Is rigid-MN
a useful strategy in our search for truth, in our development of increasingly
accurate theories about nature?"
Among scholars who carefully study MN, most agree about Rules and Goals:
Dogma and Utility (used
in defense of closed science)
Robert Koons wrote a summary of
a major
conference he organized
in 1997:
philosophers, scientists and scholars who met together at the Naturalism,
Theism and the Scientific Enterprise conference made substantial progress
on the very important question: Is methodological
naturalism [MN] an essential part of science?
One important
distinction that emerged... is between dogmatic or
apriori methodological naturalism (DMN) and empirical or
aposteriori methodological naturalism (EMN).
DMN involves the claim that the very definition
or inherent logic of science demands that it accord with the rule of making
use only of naturalistic explanations (that is, explanations in terms of events
processes located within space and time).
EMN, in contrast, is the claim that in the
long run it will turn out that all successful scientific research programs are
naturalistic ones, that science will converge upon methodological naturalism
in the long run. EMN is based, not on the definition of science or on any
supposed direct access to the essence of science, but upon the actual history
of science. A defender of EMN... merely conjectures that such scientific
enterprises [open to non-naturalistic theories] will not prove successful in
the end.
I hope that, as a result of our conference,
the thesis of DMN
will be seen, once and for all, as definitively refuted. It is to my mind
significant that no one defended DMN, not even those, like Michael Ruse, who
have endorsed it in the past. I think we can only conclude that the DMN
thesis is now in full and hasty retreat and will have no serious defenders in
the very near
Science of Chemical Evolution (Part 3: Another View)
Was the beginning of life simple or complex? Loren
Gray — in Chapter 13 (Complexity, Self-Organization, and Design) of Perspectives
on an Evolving Creation — describe a theory
proposing that a complex "interacting auto-catalytic
system" was the
beginning of life:
Is it possible that
simple organic molecules could self-organize into a living, reproducing organism? Given
our current scientific understanding, it is far too premature to definitely answer
either yes or no. There are many hypotheses for how first life might self-assemble
on the early earth. All of these hypotheses are still speculative. The
most widely accepted hypothesis is a multistep process something like this: First,
in the right environment (hypotheses include underwater thermal vents, shallow
surface ponds, sandy beaches, volcanic craters, clay deposits, and weathered
feldspar), simple organic molecules concentrated and self-assembled into strings
of nucleic and amino acids (RNA and proteins). Second, when enough of these
molecules were concentrated together, they formed an interacting auto-catalytic
system that jointly catalyzed their mutual reproduction. Third, these RNA-and-protein
catalytic systems evolved, with RNA and eventually DNA taking on the role of
information storage, which we see in all living cells today. .....
Life is a complex web of interactions
where proteins are required for nucleic acid synthesis and nucleic acids
are required for protein synthesis. ... Origin of life investigators have
had a difficult time envisioning a proteins-only solution. The RNA
world scenario has fared somewhat better, but it is not clear how proteins
get integrated. The replicating closed auto-catalytic system described
by Stuart A. Kaufmann has the advantage that the complex web of interactions
is built in from the outset. In essence this view acknowledges irreducible
complexity, that is, the system has to be sufficiently complex in order
for auto-catalytic behavior to emerge. There is no stepwise evolution
of this emergent property; it suddenly appears (as with all emergent properties)
once the polymer complexity has achieved the threshold level. Thus,
the system is complex and whole from the start.
Critical Realism
and Theory Status
In a page asking "Should science be eks-rated?" (where
eks = x, to fool the filtering programs), Section 4 begins:
One response to the
impossibility of proof is an instrumentalist perspective in which scientific
theories are interpreted as making claims for usefulness, but not for probable
truth. Instrumentalism and realism differ
in their answer to the question: Does science try to find truth? Realism
says yes, but
instrumentalism says no. ... A realist places a high value on
both plausibility (an estimate of whether a theory
is likely to be true) and utility (an estimate
of whether a theory seems to be useful); ... but an instrumentalist eliminates
one of the two major criteria by focusing on plausibility and excluding a consideration
of plausibility. .....
A critical
realist (CR)
distinguishes between goals and claims. A CR is a realist
about goals, and a critic about claims. A CR combines realist goals (wanting
to find the truth, to find theories that are true because
they correspond to reality) with critical evaluation (willing
to be skeptical about claims for the truth status of a particular theory). ...
For example, it is difficult to deny that
scientists in the early 1950s who studied the structure of DNA were aiming for
a theory that would describe the actual structure of DNA. They wanted to
find the truth, so they were realists. Before 1953, however, their claims
were modest, because all of their theories had a low truth-plausibility. They
were evaluating critically, in an effort to achieve their
realist goals. But after April 1953 the claims for truth became
bold, and those who knew the most quickly decided that the double helix structure
deserved to have a very high plausibility because it almost certainly was true.
Later in the section: "As
a reminder that the outcome of theory evaluation is an educated estimate rather
than a claim for certainty,
my model of Integrated Scientific Method uses
a continuum of theory status, ranging from very
low to very high, to describe
our degree of confidence in a theory. To allow a more precise description
status, it's useful to make eight additional distinctions" — each
theory has six types of status (relative and intrinsic, for pursuit and acceptance,
for truth and utility)
can be interpreted in two ways (realist or instrumentalist).
Two Explanations
for a Just-Right Universe
An amazing discovery of scientists,
in recent decades, is that many properties of the universe
are "just right" for life. To understand why scientists
think the universe is fine-tuned to allow life,
imagine that you are sitting in front of a control panel with dozens of dials. To
allow life, each dial — which controls one property of the universe — must
be tuned to a specific setting within a very narrow range. You are
alive, reading this web-page, because all dials are properly tuned,
and this produces a wide variety of life-permitting natural phenomena that
include stable atoms and molecules, the formation of stars which produce
the energy and atoms needed for life, the amazing chemistry of DNA and water
and enzymes, and much more.
Most scientists are convinced that the
constraints on a life-allowing universe are very tight, that small
changes would make it impossible to produce intelligent life of any kind
we can imagine. Based on scientific evidence, there is little
doubt about this conclusion. There are, however, two main theories
claiming to explain how the universe became
what it is:
• The simplest causal theory is Intelligent
Design plus design-directed action, with our universe being designed and
produced by an extremely intelligent and powerful designer/producer who cleverly
designed the universe
so it would support life.
• A universe able to support life is
extremely improbable, but a theory of Many Universes (MU)
proposes a way to beat these odds. Imagine that scientists have analyzed
the probability of a universe capable of producing life-forms that are intelligent — so
they can analyze the probability for their own existence! — and have estimated
the odds to be very low, less than 1 in a thousand million billion trillion zillion. If
there is only one universe, and it was not designed for life, we must conclude
that we are very lucky. But if there were enough universes (as proposed
in MU) and if all properties of these universes were distributed across a wide
range, the odds would be highly in favor of having at least one universe with
life. The basic principle of MU is simple: If there are enough universes,
with properties randomly distributed, everything that can happen (even
if it's extremely improbable) will happen,
so MU can "explain away" all evidence for design, whether this evidence
occurs at the level of the universe, the origin of life, or the development of
note: Perhaps we should just say "So
what?" because if we are observing a universe, it obviously must have properties
that allow our existence. This anthropic principle — which
states that because humans exist, we will observe a universe consistent with
our existence — is logically valid, and is
compatible with either the presence or absence of a designer, so it doesn't
favor either of the two theories.
{ This
section contains excerpts, with minor revision, from a page about Anthropic
Principle & Fine Tuning: Multiverse and/or
Intelligent Design? }
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