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I.O.U. — Soon (maybe by mid-October 2010) this page
will have more content and fewer loose ends.
It will
describe (and link to) pages about the flood — asking
"was it local or global?" plus other questions — and will include
both THEOLOGY & SCIENCE. Some content will be imported from the homepages
OF THE EARTH: SCIENCE but most will
be selected from the "potential
resource" page for NOAH'S FLOOD.
• The text of Genesis 6:5-9:19, in The text of Genesis 6:5-9:19 and with 'erets' translated as land instead of earth.
• Outline of the Genesis Flood Chapters by Hugh Ross
What does 'erets' mean? ( Should it be translated as earth or land? )
This question is the focus in the following pages, and is also discussed in the "more general" sections below that argue for a Local Flood or Global Flood.
• Local or Global Flood? by Ross Taylor
• Noah's Flood: Global or Local? by Donald Hochner
Old-Earth Claims (the flood was LOCAL) based on Interpretation of Genesis
• The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local by Rich Deem (30k main + 34k notes)
Young-Earth Claim (the flood was GLOBAL) based on Interpretation of Genesis
• resources will be here
Location of the Flood
• Where Was the Flood of Noah? by Greg Neyman, an overview of proposals (16k)
The Entire World (global flood)
Mesopotamian Plain (local flood)
Mediterranean Basin (local flood)
• Glenn Morton thinks the flood of Genesis 6-8 was a Mediterranean
Flood, as described in his book, Foundation,
Fall and Flood: A Harmonization of Genesis and Science — outline (by Glenn Morton, 5k) and review (by Bill Hamilton, 6k) — and a paper (The Mediterranean
Flood, 55k) in the journal of ASA, which was followed by a response from William Tanner and counter-response by Glenn Morton.
• The Med Flood would have occurred 5.5 million years ago, so... what are the implications for Human Evolution and Adam & Eve?
• Glenn Morton criticizes other proposed scenarios: Why The Flood Can't Be Global & Why The Flood Can't Be in Mesopotamia & Why The Flood Can't Be in the Black Sea.
Black Sea Basin (local flood)
• Criticism from Young-Earth Creationists: Noah’s Flood at Black Sea? by Answers in Genesis, Evidence for The Flood in the Black Sea? by John Morris (3k), Overview-Conclusion (Black Sea Flood Evaporates) by Tas Walker (10k), and Is the Black Sea Flood the Flood of Genesis? by Carl Froede (17k).
• Criticism from Old-Earth Creationists: Why The Flood Can't Be in the Black Sea by Glenn Morton,
and brief comments by Greg Neyman.
Walker - overview (in 2000) and followup (2002) & http://biblicalgeology.net/content/view/59/9/ and from late-2002 [re: conclusions by OE scientists in 2000] http://biblicalgeology.net/content/view/60/9/ & http://biblicalgeology.net/content/view/87/9/
Froede -
Sarigianis (+ Ross) - Noah’s Flood: A Bird’s-Eye View http://www.reasons.org/resources/fff/2002issue10/index.shtml#noahs_flood
pscf • Blodgett - Results of a Survey of Archaeologists on the Biblical Flood http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2005/PSCF6-05Blodgett.pdf
Fischer - local or global? http://www.genesisproclaimed.org/resources/articles.asp?ArtLabel=genfloodglobloc
Fischer - Noah & Family http://www.genesisproclaimed.org/resources/articles.asp?ArtLabel=noahfamvoy
Fischer - humans after flood http://www.genesisproclaimed.org/resources/articles.asp?ArtLabel=floodabategulf
pscf • Carol Hill — an outline/overview in 2007, re: the Genesis 1 Framework, Adam, Noah's Flood, and Patriarchal Ages — A Third Alternative to Concordism and Divine Accommodation: The Worldview Approach, http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2007/PSCF6-07Hill.pdf
pscf • C.Hill - A Time and a Place for Noah http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2002/PSCF9-02Hill.pdf
Morton - [response] http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2001/PSCF6-01Morton.html
pscf • C.Hill - The Noachian Flood: Universal or Local? http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2001/PSCF6-01Hill.html
Blodgett [response] http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2003/PSCF12-03Blodgett.pdf
Hill [counter-response] http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2003/PSCF12-03Hill2.pdf
pscf • C.Hill - Qualitative Hydrology of Noah's Flood by Carol Hill - http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2006/PSCF6-06Hill2.pdf
C.Hill [correction] http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2006/PSCF9-06Hill.pdf
pscf • A.Hill - Quantitative Hydrology of Noah's Flood - http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/2006/PSCF6-06Hill.pdf
GM - Physics of a Mesopotamian Flood http://home.entouch.net/dmd/physmeso.htm
Drews - [flood miracles] http://www.theistic-evolution.com/theisticevolution.html#Natural%20Causes
McKellips - [scope (after ark-details) - mars??] http://www.trustbible.com/ark.htm#noah
McKellips - [Turkey 9600-BC & Mars causing flood??] http://www.trustbible.com/noah.htm & http://www.trustbible.com/flood.htm http://www.trustbible.com/planetx.htm
Here are some leftovers, originally in the homepage for age-science, about two of the many topic-sections:
Fossil-Patterns in Biogeographical Context
What would happen during and after a global
flood? Are these things consistent with the evidence? (Could a global
flood produce what we observe?) Many such questions are discussed
above and below, but some (that don't fit into other categories) will be
in this section.
Current Biogeographical Patterns
Also, how did the current biogeography patterns (such as marsupials in Australia
but nowhere else, and so on) arise after the flood? / There will
also be a page about the ark, re: how big it would have to be, whether it
would be seaworthy in a global flood, what would be required for 8 people
to run it, and more.
A DISCLAIMER: In this page you'll find links to resource-pages expressing a wide range of views, which don't necessarily represent the views of the American Scientific Affiliation. Therefore, linking to a page does not imply an endorsement by ASA. We encourage you to use your own critical thinking to evaluate everything you read. |
This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to
another part of it, and
a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page. Both keep everything inside this window,
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.
This page, written by Craig Rusbult (editor of ASA Science
Ed Website), is
and was revised
August 16, 2010