LINKS for Areas of "Whole-Person Education" Website


1. DECISION — Should you do it?
2. ACTION — How should you do it?

also check
ASA Homeschool Science Resources

Part 1: DECISION — Should you do it?

Homeschooling as an Educational Option:

Home schools can work well.  In fact, I (the editor) think that in many situations homeschooling can provide the best of all possible educations, when all things are considered.  But home schools are not for everyone, so Part 1 provides information to help you decide if homeschooling is the best option for you and your children.

All links in this page were checked on January 2, 2009.  Unfortunately, links with "==" before them don't work now.   { a comment-and-complaint: You can see the difficulty in keeping links current. Why don't website developers use page-forwarding when they change their URLs? }

FAQs HomeSchool.comOregon Home Education NetworkJohn Holt Associates
OVERVIEWSfrom University of Oregon — ERIC Digest in 2001 (and 1995) — Great SchoolsStatistics & Information (about numbers, reasons,... in 1999) from U.S. Dept of Education — and many websites have "series of pages" covering the basics.

• WHETHERThe Benefits and Disadvantages of Homeschooling (Sonlight Curriculum) — Should I homeschool? (Homeschool Teacher's Lounge) — The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling — == Homeschooling for Black Children?Advantages & Disadvantages - (about the AllAbout-Websites) — to homeschool or not to homeschool (Joanna Bratten, Franciscan University) — Ten Most Important ThingsPros & Cons (lots of links)
• WHYAdvantages of HomeschoolingUnsung Benefits (Mary Pride, HomeSchool World) — == Six Types of Reasons (Pam Sorooshian) & == Ten Good Reasons (Greg Sherman) in NHEN —
— it isn't easy finding pages focused on "reasons not to" although reasons are in some WHETHER-pages above and CRITICISMS below

IS IT LEGAL? quick overview — == 8 Probing Questions & == FAQ & == Laws by State (from National Home Education Network ==, NHEN) — Laws by State (Home School Legal Defense Association, HSLDA) — info from == State Departments of Education — == Links (NHEN)

HISTORY — by Linda Dobson (overview) — == Patrick Farenga (more thorough) — Helen Hegener (re: John Holt) — Patrick Farenga (re: John Holt)

CRITICISMS — Educators Criticize Homeschooling (cites NAESP: == a search shows four abstracts encouraging cooperation, with one available == paper) — == == Views by Non-Homeschoolers — National Education Association (resolutions in 2000 & 2005-06) & == letter (to NHEN)
RESPONSESResponding to Common Objections (Homeschool Teacher's Lounge) — Answering Objections (Fred Worth,...) — Common Objections to Homeschooling (John Holt) —

SOCIALIZATION — by Rebecca Kochenderfer (editor of — Home School Teachers Lounge — == Myths (Christine Web) — ERIC DigestThe "S" Word & links by Ann Zeise   /   Minimizing Damage to a Child's Self-Image:  Whether it occurs due to a teacher (with overly harsh evaluations) or other students (on playground or in lunchroom), your child's self-image can be damaged by the “socialization” that occurs in public schools.  Parker Palmer describes the personal pain that can occur "whenever we violate the identity and integrity of the other,... when we demean, marginalize,... when we simply don't care or don't look hard enough to evoke our caring for another."  This personal pain can happen more easily in a public school setting, compared with homeschooling, because you are highly motivated to focus your efforts on the overall personal edification of your children.  A public school teacher can "help repair any damage to a child's self-esteem" but you can be proactive in doing what you can to prevent this damage. (quotation about damage repair is from Whole-Person Christian Education by Craig Rusbult, the editor)

SCHOLARLY STUDIESNational Home Education Research Institute — search in ERIC (use their "Search Help" and explore) or Google Scholar — for example, panel (at 2004 meeting of American Education Research Association) & == a paper (Michael Apple) & == response (Nicky Hardenbergh) —

ON TO COLLEGE?Three QuestionsERIC Digest — links for Getting In & Homeschool College — and explore (search: college homeschooling, or...)

Parts 1 & 2:  This area of the website is about SCHOOL OPTIONS and DECISION is the focus, so (in Part 1) information about other schooling options — PUBLIC & CHARTER and PRIVATE (Christian or Secular) — is also relevant.  Questions about the ACTION of how to teach (in Part 2) are also in other parts of the website, in TEACHING METHODS & TEACHING ACTIVITIES and also in WORLDVIEW EDUCATION & ORIGINS EDUCATION and in LEARNING SKILLS & THINKING SKILLS & THE NATURE OF SCIENCE.  In home schooling, Parts 1 and 2 are closely related because parents making the decision will also do the action, so both are included in this page.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES for Parts 1 & 2 — most homeschool websites link to lots of useful resources, some more useful than others (and that's for you to decide) — for example, by exploring == Eclectic Homeschool Online (top-of-page tabs, sidebars,...) you can find == Articles & Reviews & much more — usually resources are arranged "by topic" but sometimes by author — or you can use a search engine (Google or Yahoo or ERIC & Google Scholar or...) and search [homeschooling] ["home school"] [or...]   {a reminder about broken links (==) and irresponsible website developers}

Part 2: ACTION — HOW should you do it?

HOWan overview from Home School Teachers Lounge — a "beginners series" by HSLDA — from, Preparing to Homeschool for Success & info-and-resource page & Organization + Time ManagementRevelations of a Homeschooling MomA Step-by-Step Guide — a resource-page from == National Home Education Network


SUPPORT from ONLINE FORUMS — Homeschool.comHomeschool FellowshipHomeschool World
and ORGANIZATIONS in states (and countries), in lists from HomeSchool World & == National Home Educators Network & HSLDA

LEARNING STYLES — == Carrie KitzmillerLearning Styles — == Seven Human Intelligences (more about M.I. in THINKING SKILLSDebra Bell (author of UGHS) — interview with two authorsEsau & Jacob
SPECIAL CHILDREN — NHEN offers == FAQ & == links and more (in right-sidebar) — overview & 10 tipsA to Z (links) — check for "special needs" forums in the FORUMS above — and sometimes "special" blends into "gifted"...
GIFTED CHILDREN — from the Gifted Homeschooling Forum, Why homeschooling? & articles & resources — == NHEN with sharing by parents (Christine & Laurie) and resources to explore, including Hoagies

APPROACHES — == Eclectic HomeSchool Online (EHO) — HomeSchool World — == Socratic MethodPonca Christian Home EducatorHome School Learning Network — == A to Z (with 5 additional categories) — == EHO-Links (== rearranged)

MOTIVATION & LIFELONG LEARNING"Sir William Haley said, ‘Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they do not know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it.’  Becoming a life-long learner, that's something that seems to come naturally to most homeschoolers no matter the homeschooling method used by their parents.  Homeschooling is just that much more personal and the education derived is a personal education. ... If at the end of your homeschooling career your children are excited about starting to learn, you’ve done well." (from == What Defines Homeschool Success? by Beverly Krueger, editor of Eclectic Homeschool Online) — Short-Term Motivation (Make it Intrinsically Fun Now) and Long-Term Motivation (Make it Personally Useful Later) by Craig Rusbult, editor of the "ASA Science Ed" website you're now using.

CHRISTIAN CHARACTER — [intro-pages] — descriptions of Childrens' Books for Building Christian CharacterWORLDVIEW EDUCATION & LIVING A WORLDVIEW (most of it is useful for homeschooling) — == EHO-links

THINKING SKILLS — == with "Tools for the Age of Knowledge" and much more — Critical Thinking & Christian Worldview — and our link-pages about CREATIVE (generative) THINKING & CRITICAL (evaluative) THINKING for PRODUCTIVE (creative-and-critical) THINKING that includes Design Method & Scientific Method

SCIENCE EDUCATIONScience Overview from Sonlight Curriculum — ERIC Digest — Eclectic Homeschool Online describes articles in its lists: == medium-sized and == including these & more — every day Jack Haas searches the web to find interesting Stories in Current Science – and he has written a Youth Page for Science )
ASA Homeschool Science Resources is another website-service (who are we and how can this new resource-website help you?) provided by the American Scientific Affiliation.  It is being developed by Douglas Hayworth, is introduced by ASA's Executive Director, and will be growing in the near future.

    CREATION, DESIGN, AND EVOLUTION — check the homepage about ORIGINS EDUCATION FOR CHRISTIANS — IOU (later, there will be more resources here)
    AGE OF THE EARTH — almost all homeschool resources argue for a young-earth view, with a few exceptions:  Online Geology Curriculum from Answers In Creation (old-earth non-evolutionary creation — Old-Earth Creation Homeschooling (lots of resources in right-side column)

    SCIENCE ED FORUMHomeSchool Fellowship

CURRICULUM — review of == “100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum”Using TV for DVD-Education

EDUCATION STANDARDSTrouble for Private & Home Schools (Cathy Duffy, 2001) —

ACTIVITIES FOR SUMMERTIME (or other times)links from Three Rivers Library101 Things To Do This SummerHomeschool Highway (links)

In this page you'll find links to resource-pages expressing a wide range of views, which don't necessarily represent the views of the American Scientific Affiliation.  Therefore, linking to a page does not imply an endorsement by the ASA.  We encourage you to use your own critical thinking to evaluate everything you read.

This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it, and
 a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page.  Both keep everything inside this window, 
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were. 

This area of School Options has sub-areas of
Home    Private     Public & Charter

This links-page for Home Schools, assembled-and-written by Craig Rusbult, is

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