>>>Susan: I happen to have just posted material on this subject to another
go to www.google.com and type in "self-replicating molecules"
DNAunion: I took a quick look there and was not impressed, overall.
First, it was a bit frustrating as I wasted time opening up useless scraps of
posts that mention self-replicating molecules. For example, in one of the
first ones, someone from Germany asks where he can find some material on
self-replicating molecules: that's it! We learn nothing!
Second, one needs to pay special attention to the sources (Susan picked good
ones out of the bunch). I saw personal web pages (who is this person and
what is his/her "authority" on the subject) as well as Creationist and
atheistic sites (which would likely be very biased).
As long as one is willing and able to spend the time to separate the useful
from the useless, there might be some good material in there. But with over
3,600 hits on "self-replicating molecules", I doubt I will be spending much
time looking through the haystack to see if there is needle in there
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