Re: But is it deception?

Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 18:07:01 EST

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    In a message dated 10/30/2000 5:29:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    << Reflectorites
     On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 00:22:11 -0500 (CDT), Wesley R. Elsberry wrote:
     WE>The ambitious plan which began to take shape in 1976 can be stated
    >today with precision and conviction; "To defend and articulate
    >Unification theology especially in relation to Darwinian evolution,"
    >he said. It was a plan which took its first steps in his UTS
    >thesis. "This was before there was any talk of going on for
    >doctorates" said Dr. Wells. "My thesis was on evolution and I would
    >spend two or three days a week at Columbia University using their
    >biology library to do research on Darwinian evolution. I learned that
    >the evidence supports Darwin's theory for micro-evolution, or slight
    >changes which occur within a species or genus, but not for
    >macro-evolution, or the major changes which mark the history of life
    >on earth."
     Two things: 1) this helps confirm Johnson's point that Darwinian evolution
     is seen by *all* forms of theistic religion as antithetical, not just
     young-Earth creationism; and 2) ultimately it is not the motivation that is
     important, but the *evidence*, which is:
        "the evidence supports Darwin's theory for micro-evolution...but
        not for macro-evolution, or the major changes which mark the
        history of life on earth."

    And yet why should we accept Wells' spectacularly biased view of the

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