Re: IDer's ad hominems against evolutionist disassociated from (CSI, GAs,

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 22:52:40 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: RM&NS and the whale (was But is it science)"

    At 08:21 PM 10/21/2000 -0400, you wrote:
    > >Agnostics question everything. Motives, intelligence, honest and
    > >sincerity are not sacred cows, above or outside what can be
    > >questioned.
    >This particular agnostic might question all of the above, but I can't imagine
    >wanting to engage in serious discussion about ideas with someone I regarded
    >as stupid, dishonest, insincere or having ulterior motives. What would be
    >the purpose?

    Exposing those things.

    >Even if you could show someone was one of the above, it would
    >say nothing about the validity of their ideas.

    I generally don't try to evaluate the intelligence of my opponents. Even a
    "peabrain" can be right. I think Dawkins is an idiot because he thinks
    evolution has something to say about the existence of gods. He should know

    But what if someone is saying something that is patently, obviously and
    blindingly wrong? Something that can be easily verified. Then you find out
    the person knows what they are saying is wrong. Then you have to ask
    yourself *why* they would say such a thing even if they knew it was wrong.
    I think that's all worth discussion.



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