Re: To all uncommitted lurkers

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 09:57:19 EDT

  • Next message: "Ccogan: Literally Infinite: stuff and Pentium's (and his growing "aggression")"

    At 10:23 AM 10/21/2000 +0100, you wrote:
    >From: Stephen E. Jones <>
    > >My recommendation is not to bite and in the end they look bad. There are a
    > >lot of uncommitted lurkers on this List and they can see which side
    > >presents the evidence and which side mostly just insults and intimidates.

    Richard Wein (Tich)

    >Stephen has several times referred to these mysterious uncommitted lurkers.
    >I rather doubt whether they exist, but I would be interested to know if they
    >do. It would give some purpose to the debate here. Without an uncommitted
    >audience the debate is futile, as creationists/IDers are not open to
    >rational argument, and evolutionists are not going to be influenced by the
    >irrational arguments of the creationists/IDers.
    >So, all you uncommitted lurkers out there, if you exist, please speak up and
    >make yourselves known.

    I agree. Only about 6 or 7 people post on this list and there are dozens
    subscribed. I'd love to have lurkers drop us a line or two of comment.
    After all, if the list is going down soon, perhaps this is your last chance.

    >"Do the calculation. Take the numbers seriously. See if the underlying
    >probabilities really are small enough to yield design."
    > -- W. A. Dembski, who has never presented any calculation to back up his
    >claim to have detected Intelligent Design in life.

    I left this bit because I think if Dembski had done as Richard suggested
    he'd still be head of the Polanyi Center. He could have thumbed his nose at
    the review board. Even a preliminary presentation of what he has done so
    far would have been effective. When someone is being attacked by the ruling
    paradigm in science, data is their shield. When they have no data "They
    refuse to listen!" is their shield.



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