Re: Sinners vs. saints (i.e., DNAunion vs anti-IDists)?

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 04:02:15 EDT

  • Next message: "FMAJ and his outdated support of abiogenesis"


    On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:56:07 EDT, wrote:

    DU>DNAunion: Great, all my antagonists have decided not to read my posts and
    >therefore not to reply to them. That means...

    Don't complain. They have played into your hands. There are plenty of
    lurkers on this List and now you can post pro-ID stuff and they can't
    answer it. But I think you will find they will switch off their killfiles
    fairly soon.

    DU>(1) Huxter. Huxter will not make any more unfounded and incorrect
    >accusations about my supposedly posting here under multiple names. ...

    Why worry what Huxter says?

    Personally I think that using *one* pseudonym is bad enough. You
    wouldn't get mixed up with which name to use if you used your real one.

    Maybe you have an excuse in that if you are a scientist and are identified as
    an IDer you might be discriminated against. But what is Huxter's reason?

    DU>(2) Susan. Susan will not call me dishonest (which was definitely
    uncalled ...

    Susan seems to call everybody "dishonest" who she disagrees with. If you
    know you are not, then its her problem, not yours.

    DU>(3) Wesley Elseberry. He will not ask me again to apologize for something
    >that I had previously stated was an honest mistake. ...

    He won't be able to ask you to apologise for spelling his name wrong
    either! :-)

    Apparently I am in Wesley's killfile, but I couldn't care less. If he can't
    handle hearing arguments against his position, then that is his problem.

    You might consider consciously posting your messages to the List as I do.
    Then you don't think about whether someone in particular doesn't read it.

    >(4) Richard Wein. Richard will not again get huffy at me for pointing out
    >the obvious fallacy in his ludicrous claim that *his misinterpretation* of ...

    Richard is quick to accuse others of logical fallacies but he doesn't like his
    own being pointed out.

    DU>(5) FMAJ. FMAJ will no longer dismiss my valid arguments (as when
    he ...

    If only *I* could be in FMAJ's killfile!


    You fell into their trap, that's what happened.

    DU>It seems that my early *fervent and valid* objections to Huxter's
    >attempts at discrediting me right off the bat, and to Susan's unfounded
    >calling me and others at ARN dishonest and Creationists, set the stage for
    >further developments here. I was responding to invalid attacks on my
    >character – they started the attacks and I defended: but the
    >anti-IDists here found me to be at fault (go figure).

    Don't worry about their ad hominems. That's what they want. Just make
    your arguments. That's what they don't want lurkers on this List to hear.

    DU>From this, Elseberry apparently was predisposed to finding fault in
    >something ...

    Of course!

    DU>Enter FMAJ with his ongoing attempts to irritate and wage an
    >accusatory/implication attack ...

    FJ/Pim can be irritating. I am sure that is his aim. Just ignore him.

    Remember that under his real name Pim van Meurs he let slip that he really
    was a Christyian and he liked "playing the devil's advocate" (i.e. he doesn't
    really believe what he posts, but just does it to get attention).

    >I attempted to leave all of this behind by stating I was dropping ALL the old ...

    Good. They'll be back. And when they do, just ignore their ad hominems.

    DU>A day or two after my "change", FMAJ replied to me in his same old ....

    Of course.

    DU>I don't claim that my actions at this board are beyond reproach: they
    >clearly aren't. ...

    Here's your chance to make sure they are in future.

    DU>I ask, are not those that set fires just as guilty as those that fan the

    Maybe, maybe not. The best idea is not to do either!


    "Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of
    having been designed for a purpose." (Dawkins R., "The Blind
    Watchmaker," [1986], Penguin: London, 1991, reprint, p.1)
    Stephen E. Jones | Ph. +61 8 9448 7439 |

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