Rapid adaptation

From: Ralph Krumdieck (ralphkru@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU)
Date: Fri Oct 20 2000 - 16:43:26 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "RE: Dembski's Meta-News post attracts faculty attention"

    This is the text of a news release from the U. of Massachusetts. Interesting
    findings on rapid adaptation and reproductive isolation. Notice particularly
    the next-to-last paragraph where the researcher cautions against reading too
    much into his findings. Good science, IMHO. Here's the URL:

                    Release: Immediate
                    Contact: Elizabeth Luciano
    Oct. 19, 2000
                                                                 MAIN PAGE |
                           New Species Arise More Quickly Than Previously
                                   Believed, UMass Researcher Finds

                               Details are published in the prestigious
    journal, Science

                    AMHERST, Mass. - The splitting of a species into two new
                    species may occur in far fewer generations than scientists
                    previously believed, according to a study led by University of
                    Massachusetts postdoctoral researcher Andrew Hendry.
                    Hendry, an evolutionary ecologist, conducted his study on two
                    populations of sockeye salmon in the Pacific Northwest. The
                    findings are published in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal,
                    Science. His co-authors are Paul Bentzen and Thomas
                    Quinn, both of the University of Washington, John Wenburg of
                    the University of Montana, and Eric Volk of the Washington
                    State Department of Fish and Game.

                    "There is a widely-held perception that when one population
    splits into two different
                    environments, traits evolve quickly and, as a result, the
    two new populations become less
                    likely to interbreed. That is, they become reproductively
    isolated. This process, called
                    ecological speciation, may be one of the easiest and
    fastest ways that new species arise.
                    Our results suggest that this perception may not only be
    correct, but in spades," said
                    Hendry. "The classic examples of ecological speciation are
    for groups that have existed for
                    10,000 years. Even the fastest examples are for some
    insects over 200-400 generations. In
                    these cases, we know reproductive isolation evolved
    sometime in the past, but we don't
                    know how quickly."

                    In contrast, Hendry's team found evolutionary adaptations
    and reproductive isolation in
                    salmon after only 12-14 generations: some 60-70 years.
    Specifically, scientists studied
                    salmon introduced into Lake Washington, in Washington
    State, during the 1930s and 1940s.
                    Soon after the initial introductions, two populations
    became established, one spawning in a
                    river and one along a lake beach. "Sockeye salmon bury
    their eggs and spawn in different
                    kinds of locations, and in a variety of environments, even
    in a small system such as this,"
                    Hendry explained. "When new populations become established
    at different sites, you'd
                    expect them to evolve different adaptations, and that's in
    fact what happened."

                    Some of the differences between river salmon and beach
    salmon included:

                         Body depth of males - male beach salmon are "deeper"
    from back to belly than their
                         river counterparts. This trait influences mating
    success, Hendry says. "Deeper-bodied
                         males gain access to more females during mating but,
    in a river with a strong current,
                         a deep-bodied male would be inefficient
    hydrodynamically, and would have a more
                         difficult time, so river fish have adapted by becoming
    slimmer, more streamlined."
                         Size of females at breeding age - river females are
    larger than their beach
                         counterparts. Hendry points out that the river
    female's larger size enables her to bury
                         her eggs deeper in gravel, decreasing the chances that
    the eggs will be disturbed or
                         destroyed by high water flows.

                    "Rapid evolution has also been documented for other
    organisms," Hendry points out. "The
                    unique twist to our study is that we were able to
    demonstrate these differences resulted in
                    reproductive isolation." Scientists examined tiny ear bones
    known as otoliths, which have a
                    sort of bar-code identifying each fish as to where it had
    been born, the river or the beach.
                    "We can look at breeding adults and know who is a river
    resident, who is a beach resident,
                    and who is a beach immigrant - a fish born in the river but
    now breeding at the beach," said
                    Hendry. "We found that a large percentage of the adults
    spawning in the beach came from
                    the river - almost 39 percent each generation," he said.
    "If those fish were successful in
                    producing offspring, the two populations would homogenize."

                    Genetic analysis of "beach immigrants" relative to
    "residents" revealed just the opposite:
                    immigrants are considerably less successful at producing
    offspring. This difference may have
                    arisen because immigrants have reduced mating success or,
    if a beach immigrant does
                    breed, the resulting hybrid offspring will be less likely
    to survive, Hendry said, because
                    they're less than ideally suited to either environment.
    This evidence demonstrates for the first
                    time how rapidly adaptation can lead to reproductive
    isolation, and it is about 10 times faster
                    than the previously accepted maximum. "This should really
    make us rethink the importance
                    of natural selection and adaptation to the rapid generation
    of new species and the generation
                    of biological diversity."

                    Hendry does offer a word of caution: "Despite our findings
    of rapid adaptation and
                    reproductive isolation, I don't necessarily presume these
    two salmon populations will evolve
                    into what would be recognized as separate species. We have
    simply used new populations
                    to demonstrate the same processes that lead to new species."

                    Hendry is a Darwin postdoctoral fellow, and conducts
    research in the biology department's
                    Organismic and Evolutionary Biology program. He conducted
    his graduate work at the
                    University of Washington in Seattle.

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