Re: Plonk!

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 21:47:28 EDT

  • Next message: David Bradbury: "Re: Evolution Elswhere?"

    From: Stephen E. Jones <>

    >On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 11:25:28 +0100, Richard Wein wrote:
    >RW>This is just a brief note to mention that I've killfiled DNAunion. I
    >>often take such a step, but DNAUnion's posts have recently become rather
    >>obnoxious (and numerous). At least Stephen Jones' and Bertvan's nonsense
    >>generally polite and good-humoured.
    >Well, I guess it is better to be "polite and good-humoured" and
    >"absurd" and spouting "nonsense" than otherwise! :-)

    I suppose that's a matter of personal preference. Personally, I would rather
    talk sense bluntly than nonsense politely. ;-)

    Richard Wein (Tich)
    "Do the calculation. Take the numbers seriously. See if the underlying
    probabilities really are small enough to yield design."
      -- W. A. Dembski, who has never presented any calculation to back up his
    claim to have detected Intelligent Design in life.

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