Re: FAQ: Design and designer: Separate questions (was ID *does* require a designer! (but ...))

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 17:54:09 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Jonathan Wells' new book Icons of Evolution: The Cambrian Explosion"


    On Fri, 13 Oct 2000 13:30:03 -0500, Chris Cogan wrote:


    CC>Therefore, to clear this up, I'd like to see a kind of statement of the
    >"program" of folks like Jones as to how they expect to justify a concept of
    >intelligent design (or even just design) that is isolated from types of
    >designer (such as naturalistic (aliens, humans, animals, machines) and
    >supernaturalistic (demi-gods, ghosts, and "God")).


    Chris' slightest wish is my command! :-)

    Here is an FAQ that I have just drafted on the topic. This, and other
    FAQs can be found on my web page starting at:

    *Constructive* criticism would be welcomed.

    PS: As Murphy's Law would have it, my normally reliable ISP
    seems to be having some problems uploading new web pages. So
    there might be a slight delay of getting this FAQ webbed.



    Q. How does Intelligent Design (ID) theory justify separating the questions
    1. Is there design? and 2. Who (or what) is the designer?

    Each scientific discipline has had to deliberately limit itself to a domain
    within boundaries appropriate to its subject matter.

    ID's subject matter is detecting *design* in biological nature. If some other
    field like theology or philosophy wants to speculate on who (or what) the
    designer is, even before ID actually detects design, they are welcome to do

    To be sure ID requires that there is a designer with the *minimum*
    requisite intelligence and ability to account for the design in question.

    I point to the examples of the sciences of archaeology and SETI. Recently
    there was news about the Golan Venus figurine which is on the borderline
    between an artefact and a geofact. Archaeologists have now apparently
    determined that it was an artefact, by eliminating unintelligent natural
    causes. They don't need to know (and may never know) who was the
    designer or even what species it was.

    Similarly with SETI. If they ever receive a message they will know it was
    designed, by eliminating unintelligent natural causes, even if they never
    know who sent it. They will, from the message, be able to deduce the
    *minimum* level of intelligence required to account for it. But they could
    not tell the maximum level of intelligence of the sender. That is because a
    higher intelligence can send a lower intelligence message but a low
    intelligence cannot send a higher intelligence message.

    If the message is a complex series of prime numbers, then SETI researchers
    will know the designer had at *least* a knowledge of the mathematics
    required to produce the message. OTOH the message might be an intercept
    of a stray routine communication, which might not tell them much about
    the level of intelligence and power of the sender. In both cases the senders
    could be members of a million-year old civilisation of highly advanced
    intelligence and technology but that would not be able to be deduced from
    the message. All that can be safely deduced from a designed artefact is the
    *minimum* level of intelligence and power to design and make it.

    So it is with ID. ID requires only that there be a designer of a *minimum*
    level of intelligence and power to cause the effect in question. ID does not
    need to speculate on who the designer is or what level of intelligence and
    power the designer has beyond that required to produce the design in

    Of course if design is empirically detected by ID, this will be interpreted by
    Christians as more evidence for the Christian God. But there is no way that
    Christians can *prove*, from the level of evidence that ID can provide, that
    the designer *was* the Christian God. The empirical detection of design by
    ID would be equally supportive of *all* religions and philosophies which
    maintained that there was a designer or design.

    If ID did empirically detect design in biology, it could even be
    accommodated within atheism, by atheists claiming that the designer was
    an alien or time-traveller.

    The discovery of real design would of course be a problem for
    *Darwinism* which claims there is no real design in biology, only apparent
    design. But as Dawkins1 points out, there were atheist before Darwin, just
    not intellectually fulfilled ones!


    1Dawkins R., "The Blind Watchmaker," [1986], Penguin: London, 1991,
    reprint, p.6.

    Stephen E. (Steve) Jones


    Stephen E. (Steve) Jones ,--_|\ Email:
    3 Hawker Avenue / Oz \ Web:
    Warwick 6024 -> *_,--\_/ Phone: +61 8 9448 7439
    Perth, Western Australia v "Test everything." (1 Thess. 5:21)

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