Re: Plonk!(re: killfile of DNAunion)

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 08:00:45 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: 47 aspects of evolution simulation programs (was Schutzenberger)"

    From: <>

    >How does one go about doing such a thing?
    >I really don't need my mailbox stuffed with his asinine rants, either.

    Your mail reader should provide such an option. In Outlook Express, it's
    under Tools | Inbox Assistant. I haven't worked out yet whether you need to
    select "Do not download from the server" or "Delete off server". I don't
    want his posts accumulating on the mail server and filling up all the space
    I'm allowed there.

    Richard Wein (Tich)
    "Do the calculation. Take the numbers seriously. See if the underlying
    probabilities really are small enough to yield design."
      -- W. A. Dembski, who has never presented any calculation to back up his
    claim to have detected Intelligent Design in life.

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