>Richard Wein: Dembski has never backed up his claims with any calculation.
> DNAunion: OOL researchers have never backed up their claims that life
arose naturally on Earth with any undirected, synthesis in the whole,
prebiotically-plausible experiments.
>FMAJ: Nice response. Others have failed so Dembski can fail as well?
DNAunion: Nice response. Others have failed and their claims are accepted,
but Dembski's cannot be accepted unless verified beyond all doubt.
>FMAJ: But in Dembski's case calculations are very relevant in addressing
his filter.
DNAunion: In OOL research, prebiotically-plausible experiments are very
relevant to addressing their claims, and such experiments do not support
their overall claim.
>FMAJ: If you agree that he has not backed up his claims with any
calculations then how can we take Dembski's argument seriouslu?
DNAunion: If you agree that OOL researchers have not backed up their claims
with valid experiments, then how can we take their argument seriously?
>Richard Wein: Nor has he been willing to clarify the method of the Design
> DNAunion: Nor have OOL researchers ever clarified the processes that led to
the OOL.
>FMAJ: See above.
DNAunion: See above.
>FMAJ: But OOL researchers have clarified the processes.
DNAunion: Another unfounded claim on your part? Please provide us with
details of how OOL researchers have clarified the processes that actually led
to the origin of life here on Earth.
>FMAJ: But even if you were correct, how is the failure of OOL researchers
an excuse for Dembski's failure.
DNAunion: But even if you were correct, how is Dembski's failure an excuse
for the failure of OOL researchers?
>Richard Wein: His silence on these subjects is very telling.
> DNAunion: The silence of the OOL researchers is very telling.
>FMAJ: Poor logic. Sad to see how DNAunion has no logical argument or
DNAunion: Poor logic. Not surprised to see that FMAJ has no logical
argument or rebuttal to my statements.
>FMAJ: Richard's predictions seem to be hitting too close for comfort.
DNAunion: You see what you wish to see. Your subjectivity causes you too
see things that just aren't there.
>FMAJ: Thanks DNA
DNAunion: Thanks FMAJ for adding absolutely nothing - but a meaningless post
- to the discussion here. Keep up the bad work.
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