Re: Information request re: Dawkins' "weasel" algorithm

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Tue Oct 10 2000 - 07:43:16 EDT

  • Next message: "Fwd: Dr. Roland Hirsch"

    From: Wesley R. Elsberry <>

    >Information request to William Dembski:
    >He starts with a target sequence taken from Shakespeares
    >Hamlet, namely, METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL. If we tried to
    >attain this sequence by pure chance (for example, by randomly
    >shaking out scrabble pieces), the probability of getting it on
    >the first try would be around 1 in 10^40, and correspondingly
    >it would take on average about 10^40 tries to stand a better
    >than even chance of getting it.12 Thus, if we depended on pure
    >chance to attain this target sequence, we would in all
    >likelihood be unsuccessful. As a problem for pure chance,
    >attaining Dawkinss target sequence is an exercise in
    >generating specified complexity, and it becomes clear that
    >pure chance simply is not up to the task.
    >But consider next Dawkins' reframing of the problem. In place
    >of pure chance, he considers the following evolutionary
    >algorithm: (1) Start with a randomly selected sequence of 28
    >capital Roman letters and spaces (thats the length of METHINKS
    >IT IS LIKE A WEASEL); (2) randomly alter all the letters and
    >spaces in the current sequence that do not agree with the
    >target sequence; (3) whenever an alteration happens to match a
    >corresponding letter in the target sequence, leave it and
    >randomly alter only those remaining letters that still differ
    >from the target sequence. In very short order this algorithm
    >converges to Dawkinss target sequence. In The Blind
    >Watchmaker, Dawkins recounts a computer simulation of this
    >algorithm that converges in 43 steps.13 In place of 10^40
    >tries on average for pure chance to generate the target
    >sequence, it now takes on average only 40 tries to generate it
    >via an evolutionary algorithm.
    >[End Quote - WA Dembski, "Can Evolutionary Algorithms Generate
    >Specified Complexity", "Nature of Nature" conference, Baylor
    >There are several issues that this text brings up. Of the three
    >steps listed as comprising Dawkins' algorithm, only step (1) has
    >anything like it in the pages of "The Blind Watchmaker". Steps
    >(2) and (3) appear to be inventions rather than descriptions.
    >What is the basis for claiming that steps (2) and (3) represent
    >Dawkins' "weasel" algorithm?
    >Further on, the issue of "tries" it takes to find a solution
    >is raised. For "pure chance", a figure of ~10^40 "tries" is
    >given, which would correspond to individual candidate
    >solutions tested. For "weasel", though, only ~40 "tries" are
    >given, but in this case the number 40 derives from the number
    >of generations taken by the "weasel" algorithm rather than the
    >number of candidate solutions examined. It seems to me that
    >for the purpose of comparison, a "try" ought to mean the same
    >thing for both approaches. I would like to see a restatement
    >of the section concerning "tries" that takes this into

    It's been a while since I read TBW, but I'm almost certain you're wrong
    here, Wesley. Dembski's description above of Dawkins' weasel algorithm seems
    OK to me (except that I wouldn't call the weasel model an "evolutionary
    algorithm", because it has a built-in target, and I don't think Dawkins
    calls it one.)

    Richard Wein (Tich)
    "Do the calculation. Take the numbers seriously. See if the underlying
    probabilities really are small enough to yield design."
      -- W. A. Dembski, who has never presented any calculation to back up his
    claim to have detected Intelligent Design in life.

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