Flat earth (uneducated view)

From: Allen Roy (allenroy@peoplepc.com)
Date: Tue Oct 10 2000 - 02:07:20 EDT

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    Someone proposed that it was the uneducated in the past who held to a flat earth viewpoint. I checked with the author of the summary I presented previously and he confirmed my thought. We simply don't know what the uneducated thought because we have nothing written by the uneducated (or even about the uneducated by the educated) to let us know. So it comes down to this, the educated, ever since the Greeks (and even before that) believed in a spherical globe and not a flat earth (with only a few exceptions). It is still a myth that these people believed in a flat earth. And that this myth was perpetrated on society by evolutionary anti-Christians, as propaganda to make Christians and creationists appear to be ignorant bumpkins.

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