RE: The Wedge Project

From: Don Frack (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 00:54:27 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: The Future for ID"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Stephen E. Jones
    > Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 6:36 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: The Wedge Project

    > This is old news. My recollection is that it was posted to the Reflector
    > some time ago. Presumably to heighten the impression of some sort of
    > conspiracy by the ID movement, Susan gives the impression that
    > this is the first time she had heard of it, which I must say I would find
    > hard to believe.
    > From memory the link to the CRSC page (which no longer works) was
    > named "CRSC1", so I suspect that someone struck it lucky trawling for
    > first draft unpublished documents?
    > Not that there is anything to be ashamed of in the paper, but it *is*
    > apparently a first draft by somebody and therefore may not necessarily be
    > the best expression of the views of the majority of the ID leadership.
    > There is of course something unsavoury about trawling through web sites
    > looking for unpublished first draft documents, but such ethical
    > niceties do not apparently trouble the atheists on

    Our fiction for the day with a lesson in life to boot! Suspicion becomes
    assumption becomes fact becomes accusation. Paul Nelson's comments on this
    topic might be interesting.

    Don Frack

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