Re: Why I don't reject ID

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 14:07:33 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Is Intelligent Design Creationism?"

    In a message dated 10/4/2000 2:18:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    << What pathways have
     been identified by ID? >>

    And, in my opinion more importantly, HOW were these ID pathways/structures

    From what I have seen, attempts to claim a detection of ID are merely
    variations of Hoyle's folly - take extant gene X and set up some sort of
    statistical analysis to see what the chances are of gene x arising by 'random
    chance.' Of course, since 1)to the best of my knowledge, evolution does not
    postulate that genes arise as-is in one fell swoop, and 2) these contrived
    analyses do not seem to take into account the history of the
    structure/pathway (and how can they?), they 'prove' nothing except what
    nobody really believes occurred anyway.

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