Re: muliplte persona alert!

Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 07:40:36 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: muliplte persona alert!"

    In a message dated 10/4/2000 1:56:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, DNAunion:

    << << "it is a breach of privacy, good manners, and possibly copyright to
     something someone says in one forum elsewhere -- especially if this is done
     with the intent to take advantage or embarrass someone for
     a possibly hasty comment."
     So Huxter clearly violated the rules of this board, while I did not violate
     the rules of the other board. Game, set, match to DNAunion >> >>

    If you are more concerned with 'winning' by playing the board rule game, why
    did you imply that what I originally wrote was just gossip? You KNOW you
    have a history of playing the multi-poster game, why deny it? I had no
    intention of embarrassing you, it was my intention to support my 'gossip.'
    Once again, you simply play the sympathy card, rather than own up to your own
    deceptive tactics.

    Bye Bye now, little boy. Your 'score keeping' is for children.

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